(32) Death to the Daleks part 1

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I only own my ocs, nothing more, nothing less. This is Death To the Daleks. The third Doctor.


I dizzily look around the console room. Evrything is starting to get hazy and I shake my head. I'm in the third Doctor's TARDIS. I manage to get to the console and lay my head on it. "Doctor can you take me to the beach?" I hear the voice of Sarah Jane down a hall. "Certainlyl, do you wish to wait for Eli to appear again?" I hear the third Doctor's voice. "Of course I do, it wouldn't be the same." I groan as another wave of dizziness washes over me. "Eli? Is that you?" I hear Sarah call down the hall. I manage to shout back. "THETA!" I hear something drop in the distance and I see the Doctor running full force to me. I let go of the console and berely make it two feet before my world goes dark.


The Doctor's point of view

Azriel had disapeared again, going to another me. I had grabbed a rainbow umbrella for Azriel she requested it before she left. "Doctor Eli said something about a planet that had a beautiful beach. Doctor can you take me to the beach?" Sarah Jane asks me brightly. "Certainly, do you wish to wait for Eli to appear again?" She nods her head. "Of course I do, it wouldn't be the same." She replies cheerily. We are on our way to the console room when we hear a female groan. "Eli? Is that you?" Sarah calls down the hall. "THETA!" Both my hearts seem to stop, Azriel shouted my name in distress. I drop the umbrella and run as fast as I can to the console room. She looks exhausted and pale. She lets go of the console and takes two steps before her eyes shut and she starts to fall to the floor. I reach out for her and catch her right before she hits the floor. "Azriel? Azriel!" I pick her up and I rush her to the med bay. "What's wrong with her Doctor?" Sarah asks as I lay her on a bed. "I haven't the slightest clue. She just collapsed. I have no idea where she has just been or anything." I scan her body and i'm even more puzzled. She has an excesive amount of regeneration energy in her body, that's why she passed out. How, she doesn't look any different, unless. "Unless another me healed her." Sarah looks at me odd but leaves it be. "That must be it, all of the other instruments say she is healthy." I walk over to Azriel and kiss her forehead. "You're going to be alright my love. I promise." I look at Sarah Jane. "She'll be alright, you can explore the TARDIS if you'd like. I'm going to take Eli to bed." Sarah nods her head. "I will see you in the morning." Sarah says dismissing her self. I pick Azriel up and take her to our room. I change her into some sleeping clothes so she would be more comfertable and I lay her in bed. I take my coat and boots off and lay beside her. I'm not tired, I just wait for her to wake up.


Back to Eli...

The first think my brain registers is that i'm laing in bed. I feel someone next to me holding my hand. A voice comes to my ears its the third Doctor's voice. He's singing a Gallifreyan lulaby. I feel him kiss my cheek and lay his head beside mine. His arm goes across my stomach and rests there. Pretty soon I hear his even breathing and a light snore. I don't know how long he's been up, I'm glad he's fallen asleep. I decide to go back to sleep. My body wasnt ready to wake up yet. The next time I come to I still feel the Doctor's arm around me. I open my eyes and see the Doctor is still sound asleep. I move to where I can hear his hearts beating. "Azriel?" I hear the Doctor whisper. I open my eyes and look up at him. I see a smile of relief on his face. "Theta." His arms wrap around me and he holds me tightly. "I was so worried when you collapsed my dear. Are you feeling alright?" I nod my head. "Yes i'm okay Theta thanks to an older you." I snuggle into his chest. "I herd Sarah Jane wants to go to the beach." I say while smiling. "Yes, she wants to go with you. She's terribly worried about you." I sit up and streach. "Let's go find her, im sure she'll feel alot better seeing me up an about." I stand up only on slight wobbly legs. "Do you want help my dear?" I shake my head. "I'm okay my legs need to wake up a bit." I smile as we walk into the hall. I realise i'm in my favorite pair of sleeping shorts, pink leapord, and a black tank top. "Thank you for changing me Theta." He grabs my hand. "Nothing at all my dear." We enter the library and see Sarah reading The Host. "Hello Sarah Jane." I say smiling at her. She looks up and smiles. She gets up and drops the books he's holding and races to me. She throws her arms around me in a tight hug. "Oh I was so worried about you! You scared us half to death!" I smile and return the hug. "I know SJ i'm terribly sorry about that. I am fine now I promise. Now lets you and I get our swim suits on and we'll meet the Doctor back in the console room." She nods her head and we go to the wardrobe room. I pick a TARDIS blue bikini with a see through black cover up. I also pick some black flip flops. Sarah gets on a blue two piece with some blue shorts the same color as her top. I throw my hair into a bun and grab some aviators and a blue and white towel. I grab a pair of skinny jeans, a black loose sweater, and black boots and mix match socks. Sarah gathers different things she thinks we need for the beach. I help Sarah take her floaties and such down to the console room. The Doctor is twirling and taking down a rainbowy umbrella humming and singing softly to himself. I can't help but smile at this. Sarah puts her things on a small table. "Okay sun glasses, sun lotion, tanning lotion for Eli, water wings." The Doctor turns to her and says. "You won't need them." Sarah looks confused. "But you said we were going to swim." Sarah begins to pout. "Not on Felarin, the water has these bubbles that help you stay afloat. It's nice kind of like bath salts in a way." I see Sarahs eyes light up at what I tell her. "That sounds absolutly lovly." Sarah replies. "Let's get going then shall we?" The Doctor says while walking to towards the console. All of a sudden the TARDIS tips and the console sparks. I fall with the Doctor, and his arms wrap around me and I fall ontop of him. Once we stop the power goes out. "Are you alright?" The Doctor asks me. "Yes I'm fine. Sarah?" I ask as I stand up. "I'm okay to. What bout you Doctor?" Sarah aks while standng up. "Yes yes i'm fine." I look around the dark console room, then to the Doctor. I'm still not sure exactly what adventure this is, but I think I do. Death to the Daleks? "I don't like this." I hear Sarah murmer to me. "Don't worry SJ, the TARDIS has back up power. Atleast I think." I say while looking towards the Doctor. "Of course she does!" He says while flicking a switch and the power is restored. "See there we...go." I trail off as the power goes back off. Now this was bad. "Oh no, that's not good at all." I look at the Doctor with a worried glance. "Sarah there's a torch in the cuboard over there would mind going to get it?" She nods her head and she goes and gets the torch. She turns it on and smiles. That smile fades away when the torch fades off. I walk carefuly over to the Doctor. "Doctor,i'm getting increasingly worried. Do you hear that?" I say as the entire ship gets silent. "Yes I do." He says his voice echos throughout the ship. "What do you hear?" Sarah asks while walking to us. "Nothing, it's gone dead quiet." The Doctor says to Sarah. "Like she's gone dead." I say while laying my head on the Doctor's shoulder. "It's going to be alright, we'll fix her." The Doctor reasures me. "There's a oil lantern in the cuboard over there." I say while walking over to it. I grab the lantern and I use a match to light it. "And we have light." I say while turning to the two. "Good thinking my dear." I hear the Doctor say with a sigh of relief. "I wonder why the power has drained." Sarah says while looking worried and frightened. "We'll fix it, then be on Felarin in no time. Just you see." I say while side hugging her. "You two always get us out of trouble." Sarah says with a light laugh. "Lets go out and see shall we." The Doctor says while going to a table and getting a manual crank to open the TARDIS doors. "Do you need help Doctor?" I ask as he puts the crank in place. "No, no i'm okay. I just wish the doors didn't run on power." I smirk, one day the wont be, you'll just have to pull. He stops once there's enough room for us to squeeze through. He steps out first then Sarah and lastly I go through. The cold air hits me hard. I forgot it was freezing out here. "Oh my goodness, it's absolutly freezing out here." Sarah complains. "I know right, jeeze bad time to wear a bikini!" I shiver out as I walk to the Doctor and scoot against him for warmth. He places his arm around me as I shiver again. I gasp and Sarah lets out a short scream as I see a petrafied life form. "It's alright it's just a rock." He says to us. "Actualy Doctor it's a petrafied life form of somekind." I shiver again. "Well the only thing we can do now is look around the area, we're stuck here until we find out why the power got drained the way it did." I explain to Sarah who is hugging herself. "You two slip back into the TARDIS and put something warm on before either one of you gets colds. I'll stay around the TARDIS while you go do so." Sarah and I nod and walk back into the TARDIS. She gets into a jump suit and i put on the outfit I had picked in the wardrobe. By the time we go back outside the Doctor was gone, I knew that. "UGH Doctor!" I complain as Sarah also notices his absence. "He's left! He said he would stay near the ship." Sarah grumbles beside me. "Well lets go see if we can find him." I sigh out and lead the way. We only get a few feet before I see the creature that is also residing on this planet, they are only to be described as a hooded monk. "Sarah, don't be alarmed, but we need to go back to the TARDIS right now." I say in a shiwper to her. "Why, we need to find the Doctor." I point to the creature and we turn and run. "Hurry, the Doctor will be alright we need to get back into the ship!" We get inside the door and I quickly crank the door closed. "ELI!" I hear Sarah say in fear. I turn around and I see one of the creatures. I turn and I hit it with the crank sending it to the ground. I then quickly and franticaly place the crank back into place and open the door so Sarah and I could get out. I let out a small scream as I feel a hand on my ankle. I hit the creature with the crank againa as Sarah bolts through the door. I follow after her and we run from the TARDIS. We keep walking and we make it to old ruins that seem to glow. "I don't like the look of this." Sarah says in a shaky voice. "Neither do I, but we'll find the Doctor, or the Doctor will find us. I promsie SJ." I say as I rub her shoulder. I bite my lip nervously, i'm not looking forward to what's going to happen to us. I remember what the name of the creature in the TARDIS is called. Exelons or something along those lines. I follow Sarah as we get closer to the building. I have a bad feeling and I can't quiet place my finger on it. "Look that brick, it's flashing." Sarah points out. "So are those symbols." I point over to another wall. That's when it dawned on me. It's the forbidden city. "Sarah, we need to go and we need to go now! We can't be here, if we are caught here." I'm cut short by Sarah's short startled scream. I shriek as a Exelon grabs my arms. We are dragged to a cave and tied in a cage. "Oh no, Doctor please come and find us!" Sarah says her voice shaky. "He'll come." I reasure her. My hearts hammering against my rib cage. The Exelon's face were human like but with no hair and they're eyes seemed to buldge out a little and their skin was like a Sontaran. Sarah and I get untied and held by our arms. We get read what we did wrong, which was being in the forbidden city. "You will be sacraficed." I swallow hard and try to hide my fear and panic. "I don't think that will be needed I say to them in a strong voice. "You have walked where only the chosed may go, you broke the highest law." The head Exelon argues back with me. "According to article 46 of the shadow proclimation I have access to any forbidden city. I am a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey." It didn't work, I didn't expect it to work neither. I grown in discomfert as my arms get squeezed tightly. "The sacrafices will continue shortly. You shall go first, Time Lord." I swallow hard as they get a smoking bowl and start saying words I do not understand. I feel foggy now and I can't comprehend what's going on. "Eli! What have you done to her?" I hear the Doctor demand. "Her and her companion must be sacraficed." The Doctor charges at us and I push myself infront of him so he wouldnt get hurt. I feel myself get knocked in the head and everything goes black.


Well that's part one... I hope you enjoyed it.

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