(30) The sinking of the unsinkable ship

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I Still do not own anything but my OCs that is all. This is going to be a minisode of sorts. It's a story that nine mentioned but they naver made a short for it. When he said he was on the titanic. No not the one where it's Ten and he's in space. But when nine said he was on it when we was talking to Jabe on Platform One. I hope you enjoy this I was thinking of doing this then do more classic episodes. I was thinking of writing the Aztecs after this one chapter.


I find that I am in the library onboard the TARDIS. "Hmm now which one should I read next?" I hear Nine's thick northern accent from the other side of a book case. "I think you should read The Host." I say while walking around the corner. "Azriel!" The Doctor says with a wide grin. "Theta!" I say while running towards him. He opens his arms and I jump into them. "Where have you just been?" The Doctor asks as he sets me down. "No where special, just crossed time streams and stuff like that. There were five of you. Including a miss Sarah Jane, Tegan, Turlough and Susan." As I say his, well our granddaughters name I see a flash of sadness in his crystal blue eyes. "You know she wasn't in the time war, we can go see her when ever you like. She would love to see you." I say offering a small smile. "Yes, maybe next visit. We're already parked onboard a ship." I raise an eyebrow. "What ship?" The Doctors grin widens and he takes my hand and we race all the way to the console room. He shows me the monitor and my mouth drops. "The RMS Titanic." I say outloud. "The sinking of the unsinkable ship." The Doctor says behind me. "I'll go get something more suitable for this time period." I say while walking in the direction of the wardrobe. Once I get in there a dress is already layed out on a pink velvet couch. It's like the one Rose Dawson worse in the movie. Except mine is TARDIS blue and midnight black. 

(A/N dress in the picture except picture it TARDIS blue and black) I curl my hair and place a TARDIS blue rose in my hair

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(A/N dress in the picture except picture it TARDIS blue and black) I curl my hair and place a TARDIS blue rose in my hair. I slip on elbow lenghth white gloves and place on Black heals. I redo my make up and take a deep breath. "Alright I think this will do." I walk out of the wardrobe and gasp as I see the Doctor already standing in the hall. "Oh Rassilon you scared me half to death!" I say while grabbing my right heart. "I'm sorry my dear I coulnd't wait any longer to see how fantastic you look." I roll my eyes at him. "Lets go walk around the deck of this unsinkable ship." He offers his arm to me and I take it graciously. We exit the TARDIS and enter into the chily April air. "Wha'ts the date?" I ask the Doctor. "April 12th 1912." He says as we start to walk around the deck. "That was my mums birthday. The date not year." I say while leaning my head on the Doctors shoulder. "She would be very proud of you, your mum. I know you miss her dearly. Just know she would be so very very proud of you." We stop walking and I face the Doctor. I then throw my arms around his neck and hold him close. "Thank you Theta, you have no idea how much that means to me. I still miss her so much, not a day goes by that I don't think about her." I feel him kiss my cheek. "I know love." He whispers in my ear. We continue to stroll around the deck. "It's time for dinner, and we have two first class tickets." The Doctor says while taking out his Psychic paper. I look at him in his leather jacket. "You're dressed in a leather jacket. Not very posh don't you think?" He looks down at his cloths then takes my hand. We step back inside the TARDIS and the Doctor sits me in the captains chair. "Stay here i'll be right back." Before I could get a word out he was gone down the hall. A few minutes later he arrives back into the console room in a black tux with a TARDIS blue bow tie. I love the bow tie.You look very handsome Theta." I say while walking up to him. "May I escort you to dinner my lady." I smile and accept his awaiting arm. "You may my dear sir." I say as we walk out of the TARDIS. We enter the main dining hall and we are stopped by a man in uniform. "May I see your tickets?" He asks. The Doctor takes out the psychic paper and he shows it to the guy. "Here you go, see Mr and Mrs John smith." The man who I read his name tag his name is Anderson, he hands the physcic paper back to the Doctor. "Thank you sir, madam please enjoy your evning. I am terribly sorry for bothering you." I smile at him. "It was no problem Mr Anderson. You were just doing your job." I say before the Doctor and I walk away and sit at a table that has candle light and is seated for just two people. "This is amazing thank you." I say as we hold hands. "I would do anything to see you smile." My smile widens and I can't take my eyes off of him. After dinner our plates are taken away. "Care to dance?" The Doctor says while offering his hand. "I would be delighted." I say while standing up.

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