(31) Susan

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I Still do not own anything but my OCs that is all. This is going to be a minisode of sorts.I hope you enjoy this I was thinking of doing this then do more classic episodes in the future. Oh and by the way, Susan's children are going to be different. She is still Susan Campbell.


At first I was walking to the med bay, which the TARDIS moved closer for me. As we reached the door however I collapsed. The Doctor caught me in time. He picks me up and rushes me to a bed. He uses a scanner on me and frowns. "Three broken ribs, and two bruised ones. A hairline fracture on your wrist and your skull. This is all my fault!" I gently grasp his hand. "Theta it's not your fault. Don't you ever say that! I'll be okay, after I rest." His eyes widen. "No no no no, don't do that, stay awake for me." I can see him, he's scared, actually scared. "Don't be scared, i'm fine." I say in a whisper. i feel that i'm falling asleep, against my own will. That's when something trickles down my lip, it's blood. "No no no, I promised you wouldn't regenerate, I've failed you." I feel the Doctor grab my hand and I hear him sniffle, he's crying. "No I won't let that happen. I've seen future you's you look the same." I smile at him. "Time can be rewritten." He shakes his head. "Not this time." I see his hands start to glow with regeneration energy. He was going to heal me. "No Doctor w wait. D do don't." He ignores me and places his hands on my stomach. I feel everything heal at once. In less then a half minute I feel one hundred percent better, like the Titanic didn't happen at all. "Doctor you shouldn't of done that! You should of let me regenerate." He shakes his head. "Nah, it only took 4 hours off my life. All worth it to save you." He cups the back of my head and brings hsi lips to mine in a worried and loved filled kiss. "I'm sorry I made you worry Theta." I hug him around the neck and just enjoy his warmth. "Go change I have a surprise for you. It's something relaxing, no aliens involved I promise." I roll my eyes and head to our room. I get out a pair of light blue skinny jeans, a TARDIS blue hoodie and a black tank top underneath. I also grab my TARDIS converse and take a quick shower. I side braid my hair and do my normal make up. I walk into the console room and see the Doctor in dry clothes already, he has a dark blue jumper underneath. STEP outside those doors, and see wherever we landed." I open the door and step out, we're in a living room. Whose living room I have no idea. "Eli, or when you and grandfather are alone do you go by Azriel?" I gasp as I turn and see Susan, she looks like she did when I last saw her during the five Doctors. "Susan!" I cry as I run to her. "Azriel." I look at her in the eyes. "You can call me grandmother if you're most comfortable with that. Her eyes sparkle and she hugs me. "Thank you, is grandfather with you?" I smile and nod. "Come on out and see how our granddaughter has grown." Nine walks out of the TARDIS and Susan looks confused. "Grandfather?" She asks as she looks at me. "That's the ninth him. It's still your grandfather Susan." She smiles and runs up to him. "Oh i've missed you grandfather!" I smile fondly as the Doctor picks his granddaughter up in a hug. He spins her around once and sets her down. "I've missed you as well." I smile fondly at the two as they chatter away, The Doctor telling her some of the adventures he's gone on, well the ones i've already been through. "Would you like a drink grandmother?" I smile and nod my head. "Yes, but I will help you, we can make some tea and i'll make some cookies if you have the ingrediants." She nods her head and leads me into the kitchen. "So where is the family?" i ask as I put the water on for tea. "They're at his parents house visitng, I had to stay behind I had a meeting for work I just couldn't miss." I nod my head. "Maybe next time I'll meet them." "I have two daughters and two sons. The girls are Elizabeth and Josephine, they're twins. The boys are Alistair and Michael." I smile at her as she sets out cups. "They sound lovely my dear." I yawn at that moment. "Are you tired?" I shake my head. "We had just gone through the titanic. I'll explain once we sit." We skip on the cookies I was too tired to deal with it. We all sit down with cups of tea. The Doctor and I side by side, Susan in a chiar across from us. "So grandmother told me you've just gotten off the Titanic. That explains why they're were two more survivors on board then there use to be. A Mr. Johnathan Smithens and a Mrs. Scarlett Smithens. I figured the young man who gave your names away had gotten it wrong. I assume you used John Smith and Eli Smith." I giggle and raise my hand. "Guilty as charged." Susan places her cup on the table between us. "Well I first appeared when your grandfather had first landed on the ship." I told her the entire adventure except I didn't say I had gotten hurt like I did. "You're leaving out how you almost got crushed by pieces of the iceberg, trampled by panicked passengers, and then almost died and I used regeneration energy to heal you." I groan as the Doctor says all of this, I know he feels guilty but I didn't expect him to tell Susan this. I place my cup on the table. Susan gets up fast and without a word rushes into my arms and she squeezes me tight. "Why didn't you tell me! I don't want you to experience regeneration, Not yet it's too early for you." I hear her voice crack as Susan says this still clinging to me for dear life. "I'm fine darling, really. I told him to just let me go, I would of regenerated and would of been fine. Please do not worry my child." I look up at the Doctor as Susan refuses to let me go, like i'm going to disappear if she lets go. "May I talk to your grandfather in private for a moment my dear?" Susan sniffles and lets me go, "I promise I will be right here, I wont move." She nods her head. Once she's out of the room I stand up and face the Doctor. "Theta Sigma!" His eyes widen at hearing his full academy name. "Why would you tell her all of that? I left that out for a reason, so she wouldn't worry, so she wouldn't be scared when I get whisked away somewhere when I visit her." The Doctor looks down with guilt then back up with those sad blue eyes of his. I understand what the twelfth Doctor means about the eyes. "Oh no, don't look at me with those big sad eyes when i'm scolding you mr. Sigma." I open my mouth to continue but I just can't I sigh and lower my finger. "I know you meant well. I just don't like when Arkytior is upset." The Doctor stands up and grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers. "I'm sorry my dear. I didn't mean to make Arkytior upset. I will make it up my darling." I smile and kiss his cheek. "Just apologize to her that's all I want." I turn and face the hallway. "You can come out Arkytior Sigma." Susan slowly walks into the room her face is red from embarrassment. "Well..." I trail off looking at the Doctor. "I'm terribly sorry my dear, I didn't mean to make you so worried." Susan smiles and pulls her grandfather into a hug. "I know grandfather I forgive you. I just don't want harm to grandmother or you." I can't help but smile at them. I sit down has a wave of exhaustion washes over me. "Are you okay grandmother?" Susan asks while letting go of the Doctor. This causes the Doctor's head snap over to me. "What's wrong Azriel?" I'm just tired. "It's the regeneration energy." I nod a little. "Yeah the third you passed out from it when you regenerated. I'll be fine in a moment or two." The Doctor sits down next to me. "Do you feel faint? Light headed. Dizzy?" I nod my head at all three. "You're about to leave, and I know where to. You scared me half to death when you got to me." Susan looks confused. "What do you mean?" The Doctor looks at her then back to me. "She's going to the third me. She fainted almost immediately and that scared me because I didn't know what was wrong. She's leaving now." I look at my hands and notice i'm starting to fade in and out. "Good bye my Arkytior. I love you." She hugs me and kisses my cheek. Before I could get out another word I was gone.....


I hope you like that short chapter, i felt like I needed Susan to see her grandfather more then what they show on the show. She will make multiple appearances throughout the stop..

Hint for next chapter.....EXTERMINATE!


The girl who believed

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