(22) five love

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~Sadly I dont own Doctor Who! But I do however own my OCs!~


I groan loudly as I sit up in bed. I look around and there's no Doctor insight. I frown and wonder into the bathroom. I get undressed and slip into the shower. A few minutes later a knock sounds through the room. "Are you in there my dear?" I freeze at the voice. It sounds familer but yet not. "Doctor?" I ask nervusly. "Ofcourse it is, who else would be in our room besides you." I hear him chuckle loudly. "I just saw you five minutes ago, well a future you I think." I turn the water off and wrap a large TARDIS blue towl around me. I walk to the door and slowly open it. I spot the 5th Doctor standing right outside the bathroom. "Where are we in our timeline?" He asks gazing into my eyes. "Um this is the first time i've met this you. I've met the last you once and your 9,10,and 11th incarnations a couple times." I explain while moving past him to the dresser where I had put my ring in its box. I slip it back on and smile at it. "Ahh still early but not to early." I glance back at him and walk to the closet. "Yeah. In your future is when you ask. It was brilliant." I open the closet doors and smile. I spot acid wash short shorts, a white button up shirt. Along with that were red braces and a red bow tie. I also grab a pair of black falt ankle high boots. I turn and see the Doctor still there. "Ummm Doctor? Do you mind umm turning around?" I say as I felt my face go bright red. "Of course dear." He spins around and I quickly get dressed. "Okay you're fine now sweetie." I say smiling as I go to the bathroom and pull out the hair dryer. Once I get done I curl my hair, I then open a drawr to look for my make up. "Everything is bigger on the inside and yet I cannot find my make up!" I groan loudly. The Doctor is standing in the door way arms crossed and smiling. "The old girl is hiding your make up it seems. You know you don't need that stuff." I feel my cheeks heat up. "Gah he knows how to make me blush. "You're wrong Doc, I need it more then a dog needs a bone." I grumble going into another drawr. I kneel down to look through another drawr when I hear the Doctor walk twoards me. I stand up and sigh frustrated. I feel the Doctor put his hand under my chin and he makes me look into his beautiful blue eyes. "Don't you ever say that about yourself." He scolded lightly to me. "You are the most beautiful woman in all of time and space." I dart my eyes from his, to his blonde hair then to the sink. "I'm..sorry." I say kind of awkwardly. "You have to make it up to me." I raise an eyebrow. "Like..?" I see him smirk. "Say you're the most beautiful woman in all of time and space." "Say what now?" "You herd me, now say it. Or i'll make you say it in public on a microphone." I sigh defeated. "Fine you win. I'm the most...beautiful....woman in all of..timeandspace." I mumble the last part quickly. "I'm sorry what? I didn't hear all of that." I sigh again. "In all of time and space. Thre you happy now?!" He simply nods his head and chuckles at me. He kisses my forehead before turning around. "Lets go dear, I want to take you on an adventure!" I walk out into the bedroom and fallow him into the hall. He grabs my hand and go to the consoel room. "How does lunch in 1800 france sound, my dear?" I smile at him brightly. "Sounds fantastic!" I notice that no one else has come out to the console room yet. "Doctor where is everyone?" He looks up from the console. "Oh our companions are taking a little vacation with their families at the mo'." I simply nod my head and smile. The ship groans telling us she's landed. "Why don't you go to the wardrobe and get somthing for this time period and meet me back here?" I turn to leave but then realize I don't remeber where it was. "Umm..Theta I don't know where it is." I say shyly I was half expecting him to laugh at me then tell me the directions to the wardrobe. But instead he smiles and walks over ot me and offers his arm. I take it and he leads me through a couple turns and under a set of stairs, we stop at the fith door on the left. "I'll wait for you here." I smile and slip into the wardrobe. About 10 minutes later I finaly find a victorian style dress. Its rose color dress with three courter sleeves. The corset was a pain in the butt,but I managed to get it by myself. I slipped the dress on and put some of my hair up. Like the fasion all noble women wore back then. I notice the dress shown off my best features. I suddenly felt self concious in this dress. I tugged at the v neckline of the dress and huffed. I let the TARDIS key lay on the fabric it looked elegant, like it was suppose to be there. I grabed a pair of black healed boots that the TARDIS had layed out. I open the door just a crack and see the Doctor waiting for me. "Um..i'm not sure if its the right period and umm I don't know if you'll aprove and umm er. I'm already in it s-" "Let me see darling, i'm sure you look stunning." The Doctor encurages me holding out his left hand for me. I slowly open the rest of the door and step out. I look down at the floor my hearts racing as I felt his eyes wonder my body. "You look absolutly stunning,my dear. A true noble woman." I feel my cheeks heat up. I look to the ground briefly. "Thanks." I say softly while tucking a stray piece of hair behind my left ear. "Shall we?" I look and see the Time Lord offering his arm to me. "We shall dear Doctor." I giggle as I loop my arm with him. We ended up going to a little italian place called Le StresaIt was beautiful, the Doctor and I sat across from eachother. The Doctor being the gentlemen he was he pulled out my chair for me. The Doctor ordered spagheti and meatballs for us. I have to say they are the best i've ever had. Its been weeks it seems since i've ate anything at all. I was also extreamly self concious about eating with the Doctor. I slowly ate, so did he. I caught him several times just looking at me, smiling fondly twoards me. "I wanted to say thank you, for everything Doctor. I don't think you hear that enough." I said while taking a small sip of my tea. The Doctor smiles at me. "no need to thank me my dear, id do anything for you." Once our plates are taken away I am more then thankfull. We return to the TARDIS shortly after and I feel that sinsation all ready. "Doctor i'm leaving already." I frown at this. "Ill see you soon my Azriel." I blink and i'm in a future TARDIS. I TURN around and smile at captain Jack.


That's it for now people, next will be boom town.

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