(12) School reunuin~Mr and Mrs Smith

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~Sadly I dont own Doctor Who! But I do however own my OCs!~


As the light faded around me, my sight started to clear up and the pounding in my head started to dissapear. "Oh i'm never gonna get use to that." I groaned and found in the library this time. I groan and walk into the hall. "Hey Sexy wheres the Doc?" The halls change and I walk past my room. I turn around real fast to go change. I go to my closet and pick out a pair of black skinny jeans, with a white button up along with a black tie. I grab some black converse and walk out the door. I then stroll into the consoel room and spot a pin stripe suit. Along with that I see gravity defying, but playable brown hair. "Hey stranger." The Doctor turns around at the sound of my voice. I havent spent time with his 10 incarnation yet and I was excited. "ELI!" He runs twoards me and picks me up and spins me around. "Someone missed me!" I giggle as he puts me down on the ground. "Of course I did, where did you just come from?" I lean up and I wrap my arms around his neck and gently kiss him. I break apart then smirk. "So does that ring a bell spaceman?" I didnt realize it but I was playing with his hair. "Our first date?" I nod my head as I hear someone behind us. "Eli?" I spin around and run to hug Rose. "ROSIE POSIE!" I hear her giggle as I pull her into a bone crushing hug. "Sorry I poofed on ya when I was telling you about my date." She says its cool as we go to sit in the consoel room. "So whats going on? Where did we just come from, we do Scotland yet?" I get two nods, "Umm have you spoke to Mikey?" As if on cue the phone on the consoel rings. The Doc goes and picks it up. "So what is it Doc?" I turn and look at him as he hangs up the phone. "It's Mikey and he said there's some strange activity at a school." Yup I knew it this is going to be the episode with Sarah Jane Smith. "We going to check it out?" I said with hopefull eyes. "Ofcourse we are!" I smile as he goes around and flips switchs and buttons. "ALLONS-Y!" I get a strange look from Rose and a wide smile from the Doctor. "What? It's french for 'let's go." I shrug as I get into the captains chair.


At the school...

"Mickey set us as Mr and Mrs Smith?" I asked the Doctor as we were walking twoards a class. "Yeah what's wrong with that?" I laugh and grab the Doctors arm as we walk. "Nothing at all, I love being mrs John Smith." I see him blush some as we make it to class. This is going to an interesting couple of days.


The next day....

"What are we teaching today mr. Smith?" We've been here for 2 days now and nothing has really poped out at us. "Physics." Hmm this should be interesting. We walk in and he places his bag on the table. "Goodmorning class, hope you're sitting comfertably." I smile at the students warmly as the bell rings in the background. The Doctor turns around and writes the word Physics and underlines it. "Sooo Physics, physics." He turns and throws the white marker on the table. "Physics eh?" I giggle a little while I sit on the table facing the class. "Phy-y-y-y-sics." Next one he says and theres a hint of a high pitch. "Physics! Physics. Physics, physics, physics,physics,physics,physics." Wow didnt realise he said Physics that much. "Okay I think they know what class they're in mr.Smith." I get laughs from the class and a playfull glare from him. "Okay. I hope one of you is getting this down." I jump down from the table. "Okay let's see what you guys know. Two identical strips of Nylon are charged with static electricity and hung from a string so they can swing freely. What would happen if they were brought near eachother?" i ask while scanning the room, I see a kid with dirty blonde hair with glasses raise his hand. I remember his name is Milo. "Yes, what's your name?" I point to him. "Milo." Yes I was right. "Thats a lovly name Milo, off you go." I say sweetly. "They'd repel each other because they hae the same charge." That was right, the Doctor speaks behind me. "Correctamundo! A wrod I have never used, and hopefully never will again." I laugh at him, hmm i've never realized how cute he looks with the glasses on. What oh um yeah I need to pay attention. "Question two, I coil up a thin piece of Nichrome wire, and place it in a glass of water. Then I turn on the electricity and measure to see if the water temperture is affected. My question is this, how do I measure the electrical power going into the coil?" He asks while walking back and forth infront of the class. No one but MIlo raises their hand. "Really no one? Anyone can give it ago." I say encouraging the other sutdents but no one dared to raise their hand. "Okay Milo go for it." I sigh at last. "Measure the current and P.D. Using an ammeter and a volt meter." I look to the Doctor witha curious look, he shares the same glance. "Alright two to Milo, Milo tell me this. True or false, the greater the dampening on a system, the quicker it loses energy to its surroundings." Milo imediatly answers him. "False." This is weird, "What is non-coding DNA?" Once again an imediate answer. "DNA that doesnt code for a protein." The next question the Doctor pops out automaticaly. "65,983 times 5?" Again no hesitation no pause to think. "329,915." What no calculater either, thanks to those chips in the caf. "How do you travel faster then light?" He would ask that wouldnt he. "By opening a quantum tunnel, with an FTL factor of 36.7 recurring." I just blinked speachless and stunned. I look to the Doctor who has the same expression.

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