(6) eleventh hour ~little Amelia~

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~Sadly I dont own Doctor Who! But I do however own my OCs!~


Rose had just arrived and I was looking forward to helping and stopping Jabes death at all costs. "So Rose Tyler backwords or forwards in time?" I feel this sinsation a tingling sinsation fallowed by a headach. "Oh Eli." I hear the Doctor say sadly running twoards me. "Why whats going on whats happening!" The Doctor hugs me and whispers in my hair. "You're about to jump to another point in my timeline. Now listen carefully evertyhing is going to be okay. I promise you got it?" I nod my head while crying as the headach grows worse. "Okay." The golden light gets extreamly bright around me. All of a sudden everything goes black.


As I came to I found myself on a grated floor. Maybe I didnt leave for long, maybe im just popped out for a space walk. As Donna would say. I groaned and sat up and hear the doors fly open and someone stumbles in. I look in and I see the Doctor as his 10th self, oh no. This cant be what I think it is. "D Doctor?" He looks up pain written on his face. "Are y you al alright?" He shakes his head no before stumbling to the consoel. "Y Y you just came from out there early 2005?" I said while trying not to cry knowing if i'm right he's about to regenerate. "I'm dying Eli its time for me to regenerate again." I grasp his hand and squeeze it, "ill be here every step of the way from now into forever." He smiles at me as I start to see the faint golden glow on his hands. "Back away you know what happens." He says strained as it grows brighter. He looks at me with those sad brown eyes and says what makes my heart break everytime id see it in the show. "I don't want to go." I let a teer falls down my cheek as his head throws back in pain and im blinded by the light. It makes the whole TARDIS start to fall appart and fire starts to go around me. I get thrown to the side as it all disspaers. We begin to crash from orbit as I stare at him in amazment. He looks at his legs and picks one up. "Legs! Ive still got legs!" I still cannot believe i actualy witnessed that infront of my eyes. Tv is one thing the real thing is another. He kisses his leg "good." He pats his arms and counts fingers to make sure he has everything and his face. He reachs for his hair and hears then checks to see how many eyes he has and one nose. "Ive had worse, chin blimey. Hair." He checks his hair and its longer then before and he freaks. "IM A GIRL!" His voice is high pitched when he says that and I cant help but burst out laughing! He finds his adams apple and is reliefed. "ononon not a girl and still NOT GINGER!" He glares at me before continuing. "There's somthing else, there's somthing important i'm..." Oh for god sakes! "WE'RE CRASHING YOU IDIOT!" I say as I get jerked and hit the consoel. He grasps the consoel and looks at the scanner. The Doctor begins to laugh and I glare at him. We then start to spin and he's whooping and I smile at him. "GERONIMOOOOO!!!!" WE scream together as we enter earths atmosphere. Next thing I know im still getting thrown around trying to stabalize her. I see he's trying to to get us to not crash and die. The doors are open and I see the London eye and see no Doctor. Oh great hes outside isnt he. I run and I see him hanging on sonic screwdriver in his mouth! "Grab my hand!" I shout as he uses the sonic to pull the brake leaver i think it is and the ship jerks and I almost fall out myself I grab onto the door. "AHH!" We narrowly miss big ben and I finally pull him back up. We close the doors behind us and sit there breathless we look at eacother as we get thrown forward. I begin to free fall and the Doctor grabs me and pulls me into his arms as we land into the pool in the library. "Oh god look at that!" I look up and it's atleast a 50ft climb back to the doors. He throws a rope with an anchor at the end, no idea where it came from but o well. I start to climb ahead of him and finally reach the doors. I lift myself and spot a young Amelia Pond. She was adorable when she was little. I sit on the edge and shout down. "Oi get your but up here im a girl and I climbed faster then that!" I look and she's staring at me like im nuts. Which in all fairness I can see why. "OI you didnt just regenerate did you!" I hear him yell back as he climbs up and peeks over the edge. "Can I have an apple, all I can think about is apples, well almost all." I groan at him giving Amelia a small smile. "I think i'm having cravings, ive never had cravings before!" He sits next to me and looks down. "WHOA look at that." She eyes him "are you guys okay?" I nod but make a face at him. "We just had a fall, all the way down to the LIBRARY!" I growl the last part poking him in the chest. "It's a hell of a climb back up." I wring my hair out its absolutly cold out here and im still in short shorts! "But you both are soaking wet." She did have a point. "We were in the swimming pool which is in the library. Which now all of my books are ruined thanks to this goof." I gat a playful glare from him. "Are you a policeman and poliewoman?" I shake my head no, "no why did you call the poilice?" The Doctor leans forward curiosly. "Did you come about the crack in my wall?" He was about to answer her when he spasamed mid way thorugh. "DOCTOR!" I jump down as he grabs one of his hearts. "no no im fine its okay this is all perfectly norm-" He gets cut off as some regeneration energy exhales from his mouth. "Who are you?" I kneel down next to him "she's Eli and I dont know yet i'm still cooking." I offer a smile twoards her as he puts out his hands and more energy goes off of them. "Does it scare you?" Amelia shakes her head no. "No its just a bit weird." I shake my head "no weirdo here means the crack in your wall does it scare you?" I ask while kneeling infront of her. "Yes." He springs up I notice he's only two inchs taller then me now. Not like his 9th incarnation who was about 3 inchs taller then me, his tenth is about 4 inchs taller then me. "Well no time to loose, i'm the Doctor. Do as I say, dont ask stupid questions, and dont wonder off." He turns then walks straight into a tree falling on his back."You okay mister?" I stand over im and offer a hand. "Early days steerings a bit off." We enter Amelias house and she hands the Doctor an apple. He has this face then bites it then imediatly spits it back out. "What is that?" He's staring at it like it has a gun. "Its an apple." I snatch it from him and take a bite. "I hate apples, apples are rubbish." I throw the apple away as Amelia makes a face of confusion. "I thought you said you loved apples?" The Doctor shakes his head, "I like yogurt, yeah yogurts my favorite!" Before Amelia could go get the yogurt I stop her. "I know what he wants, new mouth new rules." I open the freezer and get fish fingers, then I reach down and get some custord. I shove the items in his hands before grabbing a tub of icecream from the freezer then two spoons. We all sit around the table and the Doctor dips a fish finger in the custord then takes a giant bite. "Is that even any good?" He smiles then dips the other half then hands it to me. "Really you bit it already!" I see him roll his eyes but I take it anyway. "We share drinks and chips whats the difference." I shrug thats probably right I share with my friends. I take a bite of the fish finger then smile. Not as bad as I thought it would be. I smirk and I dip it again before returning to my ice cream. The Doctor lifts the bown of custord to his mouth and drinks some, when he puts it back down he has a mustache. "Funny." Amelia says as I toss him a napkin. He doesn use it and wipes it with the back of his hand. "Funny? Funny's good. Whats your name?" Amelia pond. I smile softly at that name. "So beautiful, like a fairy tale." The Doctor says her name again testing how it sounds. "Are we in scottland Amelia?" I snatch another fish finger from the Doctors plate. "No we had to move to England its rubbish." I laugh slightly about how she worded it. "So what about your mum and dad, where are they. I would of thought they would of herd us by now." I see Amelias eyes sadden I then glare at the Doctor. "Dont have a mum and dad just an aunt." I give her a side hug, "we dont even have aunts." He says while geasturing to me. "You're lucky." I shrug and go straight for the next question. "Where is she now sweetheart?" I ask her verry gently serching her eyes. "She's out." I see the Doctor look slightly frustrated. "She left you all alone?" Amelia nods her head before continuing. "I'm not scared." I look to the Doctor with a sad look. "Ofcourse your not box falls out of the sky, woman and man fall out of the box. Man eats fish custord while woman eats both icecream and fish custord. Look at you just sitting there. You know what I think?" She shakes her head no, "must be one hell of a scary crack in your wall." I give her shoulder a reasuring squeez before we head up stairs to her room. "Youve had some cowboys in here, well not really but it could happen." I smack his arm, "I use to hate apples then my mum use to put faces on apples." She pauses then hands the Doctor an apple with a smiley face. "I wish my mum was like that." I whisper to her as the Doctor puts the apple in his pocket. "Ill keep it for later." WIth a smile he slips it into his pocket. He turns his attention twoards the crack. "Its not all the through. Then wheres the draft coming from Doctor?" I touched the crack slightly looking twoards him. I step back as the Doctor pulls out his sonic screw driver and scans the crack. He reads the scan "wibbly wobbly timey wimey, you know what that crack is?" Amelia shakes her head, "what?" I sit down on the bed so i'm not in the way. "I'll tell you somthing funny. If you knocked this wall down, the crack would still be there. Its not part of the wall." Amelia looks confused "where is it then?" I stand up and put my hands on her small shoulders. "Its everywhere two parts of space and time that never should of touched." I say for the Doctor in a soft voice. "Pressed together." We say in sync this time he turns twoards me and I can tell he sees the worry in my eyes. "Sometimes at night can you hea-" I get cut off "the voice yeah." The Doctor puts his ear to the crack then back away. He grabs a glass, looks at it, then he tosses the liquid out behind him. "You're cleaning that up mr!" I hear a giggle from Amelia as he puts the glass on the crack. "Prisoner zero." Amelia then imediatly repeats it "prisoner zero has escaped, yeah thats what I herd. What does it mean?" He places the cup back on the crack. "It means that on the other side of this wass is a prison, and they've lost a prisoner. You know what that means." This is probably an episode I both enjoyed but yet the giant eye ball always made me cringe. "What?" I slightly pull her back a couple steps."open the crack." The Doctor starts to explain about opening the crack all the way will make it snap closed. He moves the desk from the wall. "Or..." He trails off walking around. "Or what?" I eye him as I back me and Amelia up further to where we are behind him. "You know when grown ups tell you that everythings going to be fine? And you think that they are probably lying just to make you feel better?" Amelia shakes her head yes. "Everythings going to be fine." The Doctor sticks his hand out for her and she takes it while still clutching mine. I look at the Doctor and nod my head. He raises the sonic and it makes a loud buzzing noise and the crack opens with a bright light. "PRISONER ZERO HAS ESCAPED. PRISONER ZERO HAS ESCAPED." He leans forward a little "hello? Hello?" As soon as he said that second hello a giant eyeball was staring at us. I stared into its blue iris startled. "Whats that?" I squeeze her hand to protect her. A small orb of light gets shot to the Doctors pocket then the crack snaps shut. "See I told you it would close! Good as new!" He starts digging in his -bigger on the inside- pockets for his pyschic paper. "What was that? Was that prisoner zero?" I shake my head no "nah thats probably prisoner zero's guard." He pulls out the psychic paper and shows it to her. "What ever it was it sent me a message, see psychic paper." He flips it open and all it says isPrisoner zero has escaped. I gulp and look at him "that means prisoner zero probably escaped through here." I turn my head twoards the hall way. "But he couldnt have we would of known." I hear noise in the hall and we all run out. "It might not be anything sweetheart, what ever is going on we'll figure it out I promise." The Doctor is looking around. "Whats wrong Doctor?" He's looking for somthing. "Corner of my eye." He looks twoards the other end of the hall. I hear somthing like a when the tardis lands tha boom. "Doctor the TARDIS!" I hear the wheeze of the engines. We run down the stairs and out the house. "NO NO NO NO the engines are phasing she's gonna burn!" I sit at the edge of the TARDIS as he ties the rope around the doors. He finally gets on the edge with me after rambling somthing. "We have to get the engines stabelized." I get a look from her that she thinks im bonkers. "Its just a box, how can a box have engines." I shrug and smile "she's a verry special box not just a box infact. She's a time machine!" I can see the disbaleif on her face. "A what? A real one? You've got a real time machine!" I can see the Doctors panicing slightly I didnt want her to die either. "Not anymore if we cant get her stabelized. "A five minute hop in the future should stabelize her." I see her little eyes light up with joy. "Can I come?" I shake my head no. "No its to dangerous just give us five minutes to stabelize the engines sweetie." The Doctor climbs up next to me. "We'll be right back." I see the dissapointment in her eyes. "People always say that." My hearts tighten with sadness. I hop down so does he we both kneel infront of her. " Are we people? Do we look like people? Trust us i'm the Doctor." He tells her gently looking into her eyes. We stand up and sit side by side on the edge of the doors. I look at him and he looks at me as we both smile. I see him grab the rope and then he grabs my hand. I nod to him and we both leep off. "GERONIMOOOOO!" We scream as we land back into the pool phasing away into the night.


Eleventh hour part 2- Amy grown up

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