(1)the convention

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~Sadly I dont own Doctor Who! But I do however own my OCs!~


"ELIZABETH COLEMAN GET UP NOW!" My mom screams from downstairs I groan and sit up. "OKAY IM UP!" I scream back as I pull my covers off my body and shiver as I place my feet on my hardwood floor. I look at my phone and realize today is Whovian appreciation day. I giggle and go get a pair of black skinny jeans and white shirt with my tweed jacket and red bowtie. After I hop in the shower I get my hair dried and curled, after doing black eyeliner, mascara and some tinted red baby lips. I grab my fez and sonic screwdriver from my night table. I tucked my sonic screwdriver in my inside pocket, along with replica glasses eleven wears sometimes. I glance at myself before sliding on my black ankle high boots with a small heel. Not only was it Whovian appreciation day, a Whovian convention was going to be held. I herd that theres going to be a costume contest also. I'm praying I win, I look at the information sheet and see that theres going to be a few suprise guests. My bestfriend and I are going as the 11th and 9th Doctors. Shes dressing up as nine and I 11 obviosly. Anyway Sarah is my bestfriend she has dirty blonde hair, she also has blue eyes and is about 5 inchs shorter then I at about 5'4. I run down my stairs and who do I see? Sarah eating my Lucky Charms. Well she acts like she lives here I mean we basicaly share rooms at eachothers houses. "Seriosly dude my charms, my charms!" She giggles and I steel them back and eat the other half of the Lucky Charms. Next thing I know my mom is dropping us off infront of the convention center. I see a car pull up and my mouth drops open and see two men get out of the car. Once with loads of easily to play with brown hair. The other who grew his hair out since being the doctor with a leather jacket and light blue eyes. I gasp and see Christopher Eccleston and Matt Smith! I had no idea they were gonna be here. I saw they both looked our way suprisingly we were the only ones out front at that point. I realized we were early and I blushed. Sarah saw me blush at thme looking at us then they started to walk twoards us! I think I stoped breathing because Sarah nudged me. "Relax girl be the Doctor and act your goofy self." They were almost infront of us with smiles and security behind them. "Hello nice outfits!" Chris said first eyeing us with a goofy grin like the 9th Doctor. I blushed and shyly answered. "Thank you mr. Eccleston!" Matt was next to speak. "Nice bow tie." I smiled and not meaning to straighend my bow tie. "Thank you bow ties are cool." I said using a line from the show. They both laughed. "Your welcome girls and please call me Chris. What are your names." Sarah went first shaking there hands. "I'm Sarah Carlwell aka the Doctor." I beamed at them before introducing my self. "Elizabeth Coleman. But you can call me the Doctor." Instead of handshakes I looked at them both. "I dont do handshakes I-" Sarah cut me off. "She hugs!" I smiled and Chris hugged me before I could hug him. Then Matt hugged me right after. I was stunned before I blushed again. "This is so cool, can you sign my phone case?" They nodded and I handed my phone to them which had a Tardis case with the doors open to see the inside of the 9th/10th doctors consoel room. "Thank you so much!" I said hugging them both at the same time. They didnt seem to mind at all. "We'll see you guys inside,yeah?" Matt asks as we walk through the doors. "Yeah!" We both said in unison as Chris held one door open and Matt held a second door open. I saw there was a not that many people around yet because it was super super early. Which is odd considering how crazy Whovians are I guess we are the craziest. Sarah and I decided to walk along with both Matt and Christ till they got whre they were needed. We got to this door that said 'authorized personel only' on it. "See you guys later, yeah?" I asked staring at my boots. "Yeah lets hang out for lunch or somthing." I looked at them both in suprise and looked at Sarah who looked like she was about to pass out from all the shock. "sure meet you guys here?" I asked they nodded and walked through the door before Chris popped back out. "I'm the Doctor by the way whats your numbers?" I laughed slightly before writing mine and Sarahs down. He gave me his and Matts so we can put thme in our phone. "Bye guys!" We decided to go around and look at all of the booths. I bought a tardis backpack and a tardis dress. Next thing I know my phone buzzs and i see I got a text. "Okay meet us by the door in 10 minutes -Matt-. I smiled and looked at Sarah. "Hey lets go meet the doctors. We made it to the door and saw them waiting for us. I saw two more people near them. One was Karen Gillan and Billie piper! I was having like basicaly the best day of my life! I squeeled with delight and Karen hugged me like we were already good friends. So did Billie I smiled. I looked to Sarah and exclaimed. "BEST WHOVIAN DAY EVER!" I herd a chorus of laughter. I then noticed one other person who the hell did they bring to this thing. "Hi i'm Arthur Darvill but you probably know that." I turned and hugged him to so did Sarah. "Yeah I did mr. Hi my names Elizabeth Coleman, this is Sarah Carlwell and we're Doctorhaulics." I said smileing at everyone. "No use standing here chinwaggen, human race youd gossib all day. Daleks have the lunch, lets go meet the neighbors." Sarah blurts out I look at her and laugh my head off. I link arms with Karen as we go to leave. "So Amelia Pond the girl who wated, want subway?" She nods her head. "Hey Doctors, Rory subway sound good to you?" I got a chorus of yeah and yep and we headed off. After lunch Sarah and I went to the room where the contest was going to be held. "Hello hello hello!" Everyone in the room roared with cheering. I looked around and noticed that there were so many people as the 9th and 11th doctor a few daleks here and there, and few weeping angels. I bit my lip nervus now more then ever. "OKay to begin well have Zack Harold, and Hanna Everlife dressed as Amelia Pond and the 11th doctor." I see them go on the stage and do a little scene at the end of the eleventh hour. A few more people went and it was finaly our turn. "Okay next up we have Elizabeth Coleman, and Sarah Carlwell dressed as the 9th and 11th Doctor." I blew a breath out of my face and we went onto the stage. "Okay girls when ever you're ready you can do your sceane that I understand you wrote your selves?" I nod my head and look at her then we take our places. We turn our backs and slowly walk backwords and bump into eachother. I whip around so does she and we both looked stuned. "Who are you?" Sarah eyes me curiosly. "Who are you?" I asked the same way while circling her. "I'm the Doctor." I smile wide and go around poking her. "Yes you are!" I frown a bit and she looks at me. "WHo are you then?" I poke her ears and her jacket. "Did I really have big ears like that! Geez no wonder Mikey the idiot called me an elephant!" Sarah looked at me glareing, I laugh. "Oh look the oncoming storm look!" I then get poked in the chest. "Listen here bow tie man!" I gasp at her, "oi! We wear bow ties now, bow ties are cool!" She takes out her sonic screwdriver, so I take out mine! "Where did ya get a sonic screwdriver!" She starts to scan me so my sonic screwdriver turns on and she looks shocked. "Yours is bigger..." I roll my eyes, "do you want to really go into that?" Than we turn and bow signaling its over. We get the biggest cheer out of them all which is a good sighn. We get off the stage and next thing I know Steven and the producer of Doctor Who are on the stage. "Well to announce the winners of the contest we decided we needed experts for this, we have two doctors and two special companions with us today! Please help us welcome Matt,Karen,Christopher,and Billie!" The crowed goes wild as they walk on stage. "Okay so weve picked two Doctors tonight." Chris speaks to the audiance. "Matt do you want to announce the first young doctor?" Matt steps up and so does Karen. "Okay our first doctor is.." Matt trails off as Karen continues. "Elizabeth Coleman potraying the 11th Doctor!" I smile and cheer and jump up and down then walk up on stage. "Now our next doctor is one of her past incarnations!" Chris says cheerfully, Billie takes the mic. "Sara Carlwell potraying the 9th Doctor!" She also jumps on stage and we all get pictures with them. "In your best Dalek voice can you say exterminate?" I get handed the mic from Chris I blush because I think Sarah told them I have a great dalek voice. I clear my throat. "EXTERMINATE EXTERMINATE WE MUST EXTERMINATE THE DOCTORRR!" I get loads of cheers and laughs. Karen walks up and whispers somthing to say in the dalek voice. "DOCTOR DO YOU LIKE GREEN APPLES AND CAN I BUY YOU A SODAAAA!" After the contest it was about time to leave I was so happy. Best day ever!. After I got home I turned on Doctor who and changed into some sleeping shorts and a tank that says 'fantastic'. I layed in bed and fell alseep. I didnt realize that my t.v started to flicker thena strange golden mist started to leave the t.v and engulfed me then in a flash I was gone.


Well I know its a lenghty first chapter but I thought of it and couldnt resist. Sorry if you cant get past the first chapter :( oh well :). Anyway next chapter its going to be her waking on the TARDIS!

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