(25) The good Dalek

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~Sadly I dont own Doctor Who! But I do however own my OCs!~

Ps this episode is going to have the same plot line, but at the same time be origonal in some names and some events. 


I spin around and see the twelfth Doctor looking at me with a bright smile. I also spot a tray with three coffee cups in his hands. I had seen some of season 8, this was into the Dalek. The Doctor sets down the drinks on a jump seat. He opens the doors and steps out, a few seconds later he returns pulling in a unconcious woman. He lays her down as the doors close by themselves. "Is she alright?" He nods his head. "Yes, she's just passed out, should come around in a mo." He walks over to me and takes my hands in his. "We havent properly said hello yet." I look up at him and smile and let a small giggle escape my lips. "I have noticed." I say as he leans down and brings me into a brief but sweet kiss. We pull apart and lay my hands on his chest. I hear a graon and notice our passenger is starting to wake up. She seems startles by waking up in another spaceship. I know I probably would to. "Hey, I know that you're probably a little confused right now but i a-" She points her gun at me. "Where am I! WHere is my brother?" I was about to answer when the Doctor speeks up, cofee tray in hand. "No don't do that, put that down. Those are dangerous." HIs scottish accent is thicker, like he's holding back his anger. "What if I don't?" She challanges. "Then you might shoot either of us. You shoot me then what are you gonna do. I doubt you'd beable to find out how to turn the lights on. You shoot my wife, then i might be forced to push you into deep space." She lowers her weapon and looks at us both. Long story short we end up taking her back to her comanding ship. I remember her name was Blue. We step out of the TARDIS onto the ship. "This looks like a hospital." I coment to the Doctor as we walk side by side. "We don't need hospitals anymore, Daleks don't leave wounded. We don't take prisoners either." I swallow nervusly as I blindly reach for the Doctors hand behind me. He gently tugs on my arm so that my back was against his chest. "They're with me, they both saved me." The main guy signals for the rest to lower his weapons. "I'm the Doctor and she's Eli Smith." "A doctor? Follow me." The Doctor raises an eyebrow. "Why?" "To see your patient." We walk down a hall and pass a clear tube machine thing. "What's this?" I ask while pointing to it. "That shrinks you down so you can get inside your patient." The Doctor explains as we continue to walk. We walk up to a door and it slides open revealing a beat up Dalek. I gasp and the Doctor pulls me behind him. "I can't treat him." The Doctor says looking at the Dalek. "Why not?" The leading officer asks him. Before the Doctor can answer him the Dalek speaks to us. "Doctor! Are you my Doctor?" The Doctor looks at me and gently pushes me twoards the direction of the TARDIS. "Go wait for me in the TARDIS, please don't argue." I nod my head and kiss his cheek. "Be careful." I say as I walk away. I get to the TARDIS and serch my brain for details of this adventure. Most of the details of the twelth Doctor are foggy, I havent much of him. I think this is the second episode of the eighth season. I think I started to watch this one but never finished. The Doctor returns and says we're getting Clara. We materialize and see Clara walk in. "Where have you two been! I sent you to go get coffee." The Doctor holds up the tray of the three coffees in his hand. "We did get coffee. Well she reapeared after I had gotten it." Clara sighs frustrated. "That was three weeks ago! You left me in Glassico." I offer her a small smile. "I'm really sorry about that, but come along we have somthing to show you." 


"A good Dalek?" Clara questions as we are standing infront of the Dalek, which the Doctor named Rusty. "What do we do with a moral Dalek?" I ask the Doctor with my arms crossed. "We're going to help him, arent we Rusty." I turn to him. "We're getting inside his head." Clara raises an eyebrow. "How do you get into a Dalek's head?" "No I didn't mean that metaphoricly. I ment it literal." A braclet gets placed on my left wrist as we stand infont the shrink machine. "Who is he?" Blue asks Clara. "Why would you ask that?" She asks adjusting her braclet. "The way you smile." She turns to me, "Is he really your husband?" I nod my head. "I can tell the way he sounded earlier. He deeply cares for you, the way you look at one another is a dead give away." I feel my face grow red. "Do you have anyone that makes you smile like an idiot?" I question her. "Use to, but when the war broke out, there was no time for any of that." I smile sadly at her. We all pile into the machine, the Doctor, Clara, Blue, three other soilders. The Doctor and I are sitting next to one another. Clara is sitting across from us and I offer her a small smile. Blue starts to talk to us. "Alright when it starts, just breath normaly, you'll feel that you need to hold it, but don't." Clara looks over at her. "What happens if we do?" "You die." Blue states bunly. This causes me to grab the Doctor's hand. "It will be ok, just breath." He whispers to me. The process starts and its a weird sinsation all over, to extrodinary to explain properly. We get lifted up by something and carried over to the Dalek. "We're entering through the eye stalk." The Doctor informs us. We get attached and we all stand up. "Here hold my hand while we go through." I grab the Doctor's hand and we guide through what I could only describe as a membrane in the eyestalk. Once we get through we are met with a tunnle. "Welcome to the most dangerous place in the universe." I tell the people behind me as we decend down the corridoor. we reach the main part of the Dalek and look over the edge. We're really high up. "You see that clara, the organism in the middle down there?" Clara nods her head. "That's what's controlling the armor. That is the actual Dalek." I turn to the soilders behind me. "So how did you discover this Dalek anyway?" I ask while walking to Blue. "We found it drifting in space, we thought it was dead. What are all the wires connected to it?" She asks while pointing to a tenticle. "That's not all wires, most of those are it's arms." Clara makes a disgusted face. "We need to get down there to take a closesr look." The Doctor says from behind me. The male soilder behind me steps infront of me. He aims his grapling hook, and shoots before I could stop him. "No you shouldn't of done that, you're gonna cause the anti-bodies to come after you!" i tell him urgently, the Doctor pulls me to where my back is against his chest. The anti-bodies of the Dalek quickly arive and start to circle the soilder. "What's your name?" The Doctor asks the frightned man. "Sargent Jaminson sir." He didn't look any older then 22. "Here catch. Swallow it." The Doctor says while throwing a tracker to him. "Will that save him?" Blue asks the Doctor never taking her eyes off of Jaminson. He doesn't answer as the anti-bodies disinegrate Jaminson. "No, he was already dead, he took a tracker. that way we can see where they dump the bodies." The Doctor says while grabbing my hand. "I suggest we run, they'll be after us now." I shout behind me as the Doctor and I start to run. We run into a room and I see the tunnle that leads down into the organic shoot. I take a deep breath as I try to take my mind off the fact that there's bodies down there. Clara, Blue and the female soilder jump down. I quickly jump in and the Doctor behind me. I hear Clara's screams. I hear the Doctor shout "WHEEEE!" I grin at him, his eleven is showing. "GERONIMOOOOOO!" I scream as we slide down. I land in the goop and try not to show my dicomfert. The Doctor lands beside me and I get splashed. "EWW Doctor!" I scold him with a shiver. He takes out his sonic screwdriver and scans the area, our eyes meet and I nod. "Eww what is this place?" Clara asks walking over to us. "Organic matter, in other words, the ashes and such of the bodies the anti-bodies 'took care of'." I say whith disgust evident in my voice. Clara turns white and a shade of green. I offer her a supportive smile. The Doctor trudges ahead and hops over a vult looking opening. "Is he always this mad?" Blue ask Clara and I. "Yes, but he's always brilliant, and he always saves the day." I say as I do the same thing the Doctor did. The Doctor helps me hop down. He scans a door and it slides open. We follow him and we enter a space that has columns in it. I look up and see the Dalek creature on the center pillar. I turn as the Doctor does his work and walk to Clara. I don't remember exactly what the Doctor did but next thing I know the Dalek is going bizerk. "What's happened?" Clara shouts to the Doctor. "I fixed the moral Dalek." I glare at him. "You shouldnt of done that! People are going to get hurt and killed!" I snap loudly at him. "It had to be done." I walk over to him and just stare. "What's that look for?" He quetions while looking down at me. "This is the face you get when I'm about to slap you!" I growl and slap him hard across the face. He stumbles back a little and hand on his cheek, his eyes wide. I hear the Dalek screaming. "EXTERMINATE!" Over and over again as it shoots inocent soilders and people who are aboard the ship. "Let's go fix this before that thing does anymore damage then it already has." I say while storming away twoards it's memory data core. Clara and I split from the Doctor and go find it's memories. We need to hit the right one to make it's good morals return to the surface. I go with the Doctor leaving Clara nd the others to find the memories by where we first came in at. The Doctor and I are going to talk to the creature inside the armor. Face to whatever that things face is. Clara went to the memory centers that are where we first entered the Dalek. The Doctor suddenly stops and turns to me. "I want you to stay here, don't argue with me. Stay here for your own saftey." He didn't give me a chance to answer him before he was gone from site. The Dalek stopped screaming exterminate shortly after. I decided for once to listen to the Doctor and sat down on the floor next to the wall. This gave me time to think about a few things that have happened in my life, my life since i've come here to the Doctor. I'm engaged to someone I thought was just a fictional character, someone who was part of my favorite T.V show. My dreams have came true, i've always felt I was connected to the Doctor, now I understand why. I was destined to be with him not River, or Rose. I hear someone clear their throat and I look up and I see the Doctor standing over me. "Everything alright?" I ask him as he helped me stand up. "Yes, now lets leave this thing." I smile at him as he grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers. Clara and Blue meet up with us at the eyestalk and we exit the Dalek. We get resized and we walk up to the Dalek. We're letting it go in peace. before it leaves it turns to the Doctor. "You're a good Dalek." The Doctor looks at it and replies. "As are you." Thats when the Dalek leaves. (A/N  I know thats not what he says but still I didn't feel like looking it up.) We go back to the TARDIS just in time for me to feel that same sinsation. "I'm leaving." I say disapointadly. "It's alright dear i'll see you soon." With those words he dissapears and i'm left standing.....


Okay I know this isnt the best chapter in the universe, but i had writers block. I've also been busy. I'm so sorry for the slow updates, I will try to be quicker next time and update other stories. Thank you all for your patience and loyalty to my stories. 


the girl who believed 

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