(3) Rose part 1

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~Sadly I dont own Doctor Who! But I do however own my OCs!~


"Time to get up plastic to track down so little time." I groaned as I herd the Doctors voice. "Its a time machine its in the tittle Time and Relative dimension in space! So five minutes please!" I snaped as I put the covers over my head. I felt the covers get jerked off of me as I herd him scoff. "Yeah I know what it stands for so lets go! Ill throw you in the pool if ya dont!" I rolled my eys and sat up. "You and what army?" I glared then found myself being lifted into his arms. "OH NO YOU DONT!" I said while struggling to get out of his grasp, but he seemed to know all of my tricks. "How do you know what im gonna do?" Then it dawned on me, "you've carried me before havent ya?" He nods his head and I realize weve reached the library! I sqeek as we near the pool in the centre. "NO please im sorry! Im up im up see me up!" He shakes his head. "Nope youve challanged me, besides you look like you could use a nice cool dip in the pool." He stoped then threw me in the deep end. It was freezing cold like freezing my arse off cold. I surfaced and grumbled at him as I saw him laughing his but off. "Hahaha Time Lord shut up its super cold in here. Now help me up!" I swim to the side of the deep end and he offers his hand. I take it and smirk catching him off guard I pull him in the pool. Lucky he didnt have his jacket on but it still would of been funny. I started to swim as fast as I could to the other end. "OH IM GONNA GET YOU!" I herd him start swimming twoards me, apperiantly he's faster then me because I feel arms around my waist. "EEEK!" I squirm in his arms. "Say you're sorry." I squirm more "never!" The doctor then goes under water with me in his arms then resurfaces. "OKAY FINE, im sorry!" I feel his head rest on my shoulder so we're practicaly cheek to cheek. I got a tingle all through my body that made me shiver. "Come on lets get out of the water and get changed we have plastic to find." He lets go leaving me blushing in the shallow end. I get out then head straight to my room I open my closet and I see the TARDIS already has an outfit picked. Its a white longsleeve top that has the word 'fantastic' in gold curly writing with a pair of white skinny jeans and a leather jacket. I also see that she has picked out black ankle high boots. I walk into the bathroom adn blow dry my hair and curl it. I add a light layer of make up with a rose color lipstick. I smile at my reflection before walking out into the hall. "Hey sexy can you give me a shortcut to the consoel room." Right after I asked the corridors changed and I was about 4 feet from the end of the hall. "Thanks girl." I smiled as I walked into the room. "You're verry welcome my Angel."I see the Doctor tinkering with somthing underneath so I slowly walk over and clear my throat. "Ready to kick some plastic butt?" I feel his eyes wonder me before returing to my face with a big grin. "You look fantastic. Nice jacket by the way love." I never herd him use love before as this incarnation, but I probably never really noticed. I messed with my sleeve while blushing slightly feeling suddenly self concious. "uhh t thanks." Whoa did I just studder I could smack myself right now. Both my hearts start to race as I feel a hand under my chin. "You are beautiful dont let anyone tell you otherwise." My eyes widen I didnt even hear him walk up to where I was. I look into his eyes and smile at him. "So where are we off to?" He seems satasfied that im smileing and walks to the screen. "Well the signal relay is ontop a shop called Henricks, we're gonna bl-" I cut him off smirking "blow it up?" The doctor nods his head and I stand near the stairs to the door. "After you my lady." I smile and walk through the doors of the TARDIS and feel the cool night air. I see him stand next to me and holds his arm out for me to take. "Ready to blow up some plastic?" I take his offer and smile. "Lead the way my dear sir." We walk into the shop via sonic screwdriver and we go to the basement. I dont like basements they are way to creepy for my liking. "You alright?" I nod my head as I hear the voice of Rose Tyler. "Hello Wilson! I got the lottory money WILSON!" A few minutes later we hear her again. "Is that someone mucking about?" I look at the Doctor and look at the direction of the voice. "Is this Derik is it, okay ive got the joke!." We walk and we see the maniquins walking twoards the blonde I lead and I feel the Doctor grab my hand tightly. I grab hers and she looks up at us suprised. "RUN!" I hear the Doctor shout as I grab her hand and we all run into the lift. It was about to close all the way when one of the dummies arm tries to grab me. The Doctor grabs it and starts to pull it off and I help him. The arm finally pops off and Rose looks shocked. "Ya pulled his arm off!" I have the arm in my hand. "Yeah plastic." I say while tossing it to her. "Who are they? Are they students?" I roll my eyes remembering this episode. "Why would they be students?" I ask while leaning on the wall. "I dont know." She replies emberassed. "Well you said it." The doctor finaly speaks to her while crossing his arms waiting. "Well to get that many people to dress and act silly they must be students." Rose ays materfactly. "Nice job, their not students." I sigh "well who ever they are Wilsons gonna call the police." The doctor looks at her curiosly. "Whos Wilson?" I reply for her "the cheif electrition." The lift dings and the doors begin to open. "Wilsons dead." I grab the plastic arm from Rose and hit him with it. "OW what was that for!" I give the arm back to Rose "that was rude!" He rolls his eyes at me as we start to walk to get Rose out of the building. I block out the rest of the conversation as we reach the door. "We're gonna blow it up, we might die the process. Dont worry about us go, go home and have your lovly beens on toast." We slightly push her out the door into the night. "Dont tell anyone about this or you'll get them killed." We close the door and I nudge him before he opens the door again. "I'm the Doctor by the way and this is Elizabeth, whats your name?" She stumbles with her words. "I i'm Rose." I smile "nice to meet ya rose." The Doctor waves the bomb around a little. "Run for your life!" We close the door and we place the bomb then we run out another exit. A few seconds after it blows up and I get sent forward and knock into the doctor. "Whoa!" We trudge back to the TARDIS and I sit in the captains chair.


Comming up Rose part 2

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