(11) first date

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~Sadly I dont own Doctor Who! But I do however own my OCs!~


Rose had taken Adam out of the consoel room to show him around the ship. The Doctor and I still in silence. My legs dangling from the side of the captains chair just staring above me. I sighed and sat up. "Doctor are you mad at me?" I see him look up from whatever he was doing around the consoel. "Why would you think that?" I stare at him not sure about his tone when he answered. "Because you know I knew about what was down there and yet I didnt tell you. Id hate me. Like I said when you opened the bulkhead i'm not important enough." I can feel my hearts breaking as I speak, i'm half expecting him to land on earth and just dump me there. I wonder if he's going to dump me on earth...God knows I would. I thought sadly I look up and I see the Doctor looking at me in shock before shaking it off and walking twoards me. "Why would I abandon you?" I didnt say that outloud how did he come up with that. "I didnt say that outlou-" He interupts me by kissing my lips softly. "I herd you in here." He taps his head, "telepathic connection." I just shake my head. "Why arnt you yelling at me right now, I was expecting the oncoming storm from you." I say the last part in a whisper. "Never, i've known you all of my life, I know that you cant tell me whats going to happen, and i've had to come to terms with it a long time ago. So dont worry your pretty little head." He kisses my forehead before sitting beside on the captains chair. He throws a long arm over my shoulders and we sit in comfertable silence. "Doctor?" I lean and get closer to him. "hmm?" I feel him play with starnds of my hair. "Back i in Utah, w what I was going to s say before..." I trailed off trying to figure out the right words to get out. I do love the Doctor no matter how long i've actually been in this world. I've always had a thing for the Doctor (dont judge). "I just dont know if you'd actualy feel the same, but that kiss when I first got here said it all." I see him blush and look away. "I've messed up the timelines bad havent I?" I realize if he loves me and not Rose whats going on? "No not bad don't you ever say that! Or that you're unimportant. If somthing happned to you, if I lost you I wouldnt know what to do with myself. You've been with me since the begining. I wouldnt want it any other way." I can feel my cheeks heat up and I probably look like a strawberry. "I love it when you blush." Geeze its like a blush fest in here. I look up and his face is close again. I think I stop breathing for a second. "H h hi." I see that goofy grin of his and that makes me smile just the same. "Hi." He gives me a quick kiss on the lips before bouncing up and going to the consoel. "I'm going to take you somewhere fantastic!" I look at him suspicious. "Where are we going mr spaceman?" I see him roll his eyes and laugh. "You'll see!" He spins around the consoel pressing buttons. The ship jerks signalling we've landed. "Where or when are we?" I see a smirk on his lips as he walks twoards me. "Why dont you go dress in somthing dressy and we'll meet back here in 20 minutes." Once I reach my room I go in and I get in the shower real fast. I get out and dry my hair and curl it. I put on black mascara and eyeliner with tardis blue eyeshadow. I walk out of the bathroom and I spot a Tardis blue dress thats longer in the back and shorter in the front. The back ends near the back of my knees, the front reachs to the middle of my knees. The dress is flowy at the ends, and is strapless. I spot a pair of black heals like river wore 'Time Of Angels'. I slip them on and lay a blue bow in my hair. My nerves suddenly shoot straight up and I feel my stomach twist. Oh my god i'm going on a date with the DOCTOR!" I walk out into the hall and run almost into Rose. "Whoa sorry Rosie." I fix my bow a little out of selfconsicous. "Whoa where are you going dressed like that?" I shrug my shoulders, "I don't know the Doctor didnt tell me. Oh Rose i'm so nervus right now!" She hugs me with reassurance. "You and the Doctor just belong with eachother, you'll be great. WIth that dress of yours he wont beable to keep his hands to himself." My eyes widen "ROSE!" I shout emberassed. "Oh you know he loves you!"I feel a deep blush creep up my cheeks. "Stoooop it! Give me advice!" We start walking twoards the consoel room i'm so nervus. "Be your self! Your TIme Lordy self." I snicker as I see the doorway for the main room. "Oh shut up Rosie i'm a Time LADY!" We laugh as we get into the room. "So wheres your new boy?" She shrugs, "somewhre in the library." I spot the Doctor in a suit! Wait I did a double take a suit. "You look absolutly fantastic." I blush as he walks up to us. "I want you kids home by midnight. You hear?" I laugh at Rose, "sure mother dear." She rolls her eyes and goes to find Adam. "So are you ready milady?" The Doctor offers his arm to me. "Indeed my good sir." I take his arm and we leave the TARDIS. Once we get out its purely amazing. The sky is a violet and the sun is a strewberry red. The ground beneath our feet is blue, blue grass. "Welcome to the plannet cloud 9. What do you think?" I'm completly speachless everything is just so amazing and beautiful. "I i'm so speachless." I feel him wrap his arms around my wasit from behind and lay his head on my shoulder. "That doesnt come around often. You being speachless." I never pictured 9 to be so romantic, but here he is. "This can't be real." I feel him kiss my cheek. "Believe it, love." He leads me twoards a building made of a beautiful purple stone. We get seated at a nice table with a candle that the flame is blue. "You look amazing in a suit, why dont you wear them more often?" I see him blush as he smiles. "For you i'd wear one whenever you'd like." The Doctor ordred the best wine on the planet. He stood up and offered his hand. "May I have this dance?" I hear the slow version of everytime we touch start to play. "How?" I grab his hand and we walk onto the dancefloor. "I've known you for a long time." We start to dance real close and he starts to sing to me. As the song ends I dont want to let go. "I have another suprise for you." Once we leave he places his hands over my eyes. "Where are we going?" He doesn answer we just keep walking. "Okay we're here." He removes his hands and i see the most beautiful ice skating rink in the universe. I see the sun start to set in the north not the west. "You want me to skate ina dress?" We get a couple pairs and slip them on. I was never really good at ice skating. "umm I dont remember how." I look down messing with the hem of my dress. I see the Doctors hand and I look up. "Ill catch you if you fall." I grab his hand and we ease onto the ice. As we skate the sun begins to set behind us. "In all my wildest dreams i never thought this would ever happen. It's so beautiful here." We're skating side by side the Doctors arms around my waist. I've started to get use to skating again and i'm starting to remember. "I wanna try somthiing." He lets go and I start to skate ahead, he catchs up quickly. I spin around and skate backwords. "I'm back!" I squeel with delight as he stays skating forward but he grabs my hands. "Best day EVER!" After we skate for a while we head back into the TARDIS. Rose is siting in the captains chair reading the note book. "Hey you two, home a little late eh?" I grumble at her with a smile on my lips. "So wheres your little pet at Rosie?" I snatch the book from her hands and skim through it. "He went to bed, somthing about being overwhealmed." I burst out laughing at that. "Oi stop it you!" Rose says through giggles of her own. "You have to tell me all the details of your date!" I smirk and nod my head. "I shall depart for the evning dear sir." I joked as the Doctor wraped his arms around me. "Goodnight, love." I reach up and kiss him by suprise, we melt into the kiss as I put my aroms around his neck. After a minute passes Rose clears her throat, clearly awkward for her. "Umm sorry to interupt the snogg fest, but this was only your first date, its to early for you two to shag." My eyes widen and I choke on my next words. "ROSE!" She laughs and takes off down the hall leading to my room. "I'm gonna go get her for that, night doc!" I take my heels off and run after her. I get there she's waiting for me leaning against my door. I notice that the TARDIS has put my room accross the hall from the Doctors. Roses is a next to mine. We walk in and she bounces on my bed. "so come on dish!" I tell her about how we went to that crystal place with wine and dancing. Along with the ice skating during the sun set. All of it purely romantic. The entire time i'm telling her all of this she keeps saying "awwwww thats so romantic!" I just giggle and roll my eyes at her. "Aww why so soon." I raise an eyebrow at her. "What do you mean?" She points to my hands as a headach starts to form. "Really now i'm still in a dress!" The golden light starts to get brighter. "Tell the Doctor i'll see him soon." My head starts to ach more as the light consumes me.


So I hope you loved this chapter of 9 being romantic! Anyway next chapter will have 10 and the episode shall be...... School reunion!

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