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Once the young woman finished off her Sunsettia, she began slinking away into the deep abyss of the night. Diluc, after knowing she was out of ear shot, jump out of the tree to stare at the uneaten grapes and the little note. He hums lowly before picking them up and bringing them back inside his home.

The next morning he threw the grapes into the cart meant to turn them into wine and grabbed a new bundle. He also grabbed a full piece of paper and wrote another note down. He set them down before continuing his daily routine.

Once again, the silvery moon rose itself from the horizon line and high into the sky. Diluc set down the grapes and the note along with a pen. Once everything was in place, he reclimbed the tree. Sitting. Watching. Waiting.

His mind nearly slipped away from him when he heard the sound of soft padded feet. Diluc quickly shook himself awake and watched the girl approach the table once again.

As she approached, he began to study more deeply. Soft skin, fuzzy and frayed hair, bruises, dirt and blood littering her skin. Something inside his stomach churned at the sight of her.

The young woman picked up the note, studying it carefully.

Why didn't you eat me?

Aren't I tasty?


The girl shied away into herself before she noticed the slick pen. Diluc wondered if she would take it and pawn it off. The fountain pen is worth quite a lot of money. He watched carefully as the young woman began to write down a little responds.

Diluc's eyes sharpened as he watched her hands, looming over the grapes. Her hand shook but quickly drew back. She hit herself again over the head.

"No no no. I am bad. I am bad," she whispers, salty tears traveling down her face.

The girl gets up and walks back over to the Sunsettia tree, her body shaking. She reaches up to grab the sweet fruit, knowing the pain that would follow.

Diluc watched as she once again sinks her teeth into the fruit, followed by the sounds of pain filled sobs. He watches with something in him feeling sick as he watches her sob as she eats. More blood spills from her lips, her gums puffy and tender from the fruit.

"What is with you..."

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