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The young woman continued to feel flares of warmth surge through her face as Diluc gently runs his calloused fingers through her tangled hair. Her hands covering her body, even if Diluc couldn't see anything anyway.

Diluc filled a cup with the water and poured it over her head, tilting her head back so the water doesn't run into her eyes. She shivers at the cold touching her neck and shoulders. Diluc just quietly chuckles, running his fingers once again to clear out more knots.

Once Diluc washed out all the soap, he grabs a fine bristled hair brush and starts running it down the young woman's frayed hair. A sigh escapes him as he gazes upon such a pitiful person. His heartstrings are tugged by their ends, feeling pity and sympathy towards her.

"(Y/n), I think you're all clean now. Come, let's get you dressed."

(Y/n) turns around to face him before sinking further back into the tub. She just stares at the giant fiery man with wide eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"You can't see me without close on," she says, descending even lower.

Diluc chuckles and smiles.

"I guess you're right. Wait here, I'll hand you some clothes from behind the door. I promise I won't peek."

The young woman just stays silent, watching the man get up from his chair, pick up his gloves and leave the small bathroom. She quietly steps out of the tub and reaches for a soft, grey towel. She wraps it around her body, trying to dry off as much as she can.

She rewraps the towel around herself and sits down on the chair Diluc was on. She drags her foot across the tile, mind turning at the kindness she's been shown by him. Never in her life has anyone been this nice to her. All the people she's met have berated, harassed, and swore at her. As her thoughts continue to reel backwards in time, her head begins to hurt, not wanting to force pushed away memories, memories in which she purposefully forgot.

Suddenly, the sound of a knock at the door alerts her attention, the foggy thoughts dispersing like mist in the morning. She stands up and shuffles carefully to the door, not wanting to slip on any spilled water.

(Y/n) opens the door a crack, peeking her eye out to see Diluc smiling, a bundle of cloth in his hands. He reaches towards her, setting the clothes down on another chair next to the door and closes the door.

(Y/n) stares at the clothes, unsure of what to do. She swallows a lump of anxiety before unwrapping herself, taking a few wipes just to clean off any extra moisture. She then carefully hangs the towel against the counter top.

(Y/n) nervously grasps the bundle of clothing and accidently lets it drop onto the floor with a soft thwump. She blushes before searching through the clothes.

In the pile is a set of clean undergarments; a long sleeved, white blouse; and a set of black trousers. (Y/n)'s mind makes the connection that these are probably Diluc's clothes, but wonders why he has women's undergarments. Maybe he borrowed them from the maids?

The young woman then slowly dresses herself in the warm, dry, and clean clothing. The buttons were a bit tricky as her fingers aren't as coordinated as she wished they could be. The trousers where too long, so she had to roll them up a few times before they even made it to her ankles. She may not be short, but she's not the tallest person either.

After a bit of hassle, the young woman places the towel away into a basket and checks herself in the mirror. She almost doesn't recognize herself. Her face is so clean and hair neater then normal.

Unable to keep her own gaze, she waddles over to the door and opens it, noticing Diluc just sitting on his bed, reading some sort of book. He look up to see (Y/n) nervously huddled in the doorway. He smiles looking upon the woman, seeing how cute she looks in his clothes.

"You look very nice. Now, come here, we have to rebandage your feet."

So, not so fun fact that happened to day. My brother threw the vacuum filter behind the couch. No big deal right? So I go over and grab it, having to shove my body behind the couch as it's not fully against the wall, but is close. I leaned over when a LOOSE STAPLE from the upholstery poked my in the boob. It really hurt and now there's a hole in my breast. >:/

P.s. I did cause it to bleed a little 

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