Chapter 13

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"When two broken hearts meet, they find their missing part in each other."

-Luffina Lourduraj

Yusuf was listening eagerly and then asked, "Did you really know such a beast, Amca?! Have you met him?"
Yaman said," I know him very closely, tough guy. One day I will tell you all about him."

Suddenly, Yaman's phone rang. Seeing that it was a call from Nedim, he looked at Yusuf and said, " Amca has some work, ateş parçası. You sleep well and don't trouble your teyze too much, tamam?" Yusuf bobbed his head vigorously. Yaman bade him good night, patting his forehead affectionately. He then looked at Seher intently and there was a note of promise when he said, "Good night.I will see you in the bedroom, I hope." And then left the room.

Seher was shocked at his words and his audacity. She was flustered and felt exasperated that she couldn't think of an apt retort, whenever he became so brazen ! How dare he talk about bedroom to her?! That too in front of Yusuf, knowing fully well she couldn't respond or scold him!

The moment Yaman entered his room, his tone changed completely and he became a man who meant business."The" Yaman Kirimli people were afraid of messing with. "Evet Nedim!"

Nedim said," You had called me Yaman?"

Yaman bellowed in anger, "Yes.Find out who was behind framing Seher and fabricating those disgusting proofs against her.I want one of the best detectives on this case, Nedim. We know half the truth but I will not rest until I find out the guilty and punish them. Someone has tried to hurt and humiliate Seher very gravely and make her fall from grace. I am equally culpable of hurting her and not trusting her but I will not sit quietly until others behind this are brought to book!! I will make sure Seher gets justice even if it means punishing everyone including myself! Find out the whereabouts of Selim. Also, tap Zuhal's phone. I will confront her on this too! I have my suspicions. One more thing, this stays between you and me. Understand?? No one will dare to slander my wife ever again ! I will make an example of this. She will get her rightful place in this family and all the respect she was denied earlier!"


It was close to midnight and Yusuf had slept more than two hours ago. Seher was still sitting next to him on his bed and nervously wringing her hands. She was trying to avoid her husband and just praying for morning to come somehow, miraculously. She knew her excuses were running out. She would have to go to their room eventually. After all, her clothes and belongings were there. Even to change her attire for the night, she had to go to that room. She comprehended that she would have to face Yaman sooner or later and there was no use being a coward. She had to brace herself and be strong. Evet ! She would be strong ! There was nothing to be hysterical or distraught about!!

Yaman checked his watch for the fifth time. He knew his wife very well. She was trying to avoid him and therefore was still in Yusuf's room.

He was in his work room, working on mending the pen Seher had gifted him. His heart bled every time he remembered how he had broken this beautiful gift in anger. Seher had given it with so much love and affection. He resolved to mend the pen back to how it was ! He would rectify and undo all the damage he had done to Seher. HE WOULD DO IT ANYHOW!

His inner voice again started chastising him. How could he have doubted her?? He should have been the first one to hold her hands and stand as a rock behind her. But he had stabbed her in the back. He had betrayed her trust in him. She had left her home, her loved ones and come to him with open arms with the belief that he would be always there for her, be her family and her pillar of strength. But he had snatched the ground from beneath her feet. He had questioned her loyalties and her integrity. Oh, the hurt he had made her go through!The cruel words he had thrown at her cavalierly !

Finally the door of the room opened and he saw Seher standing in the doorway. She looked at him with eyes full of fear, as if a doe had entered the lair of its predator and was preparing itself for sacrifice. She was fidgeting with her hands. Yaman looked up at her and said gently," Wouldn't you come in?" When she did not move and kept standing there as if numb and frozen, he stood up and came near her.

When he was very close to her, he asked in a coaxing and gentle voice, "Are you nervous because of me?? You don't need to be afraid of me. I am not going to hurt you in any way Seher, I promise you. This is as much your room as mine."

Seher tried to evade him and move aside and walk away, but he came and stood right in front of her again and blocked her way. She looked up into his eyes and saw love, concern, regret, shame and something else she could not name. Passion?

He asked regretfully, "What do you fear? Tell me. I want to know Seher. Talk to me. Are you fearful of being alone with me? Have I broken your trust in men and love forever? Please tell me what can I do to replace this fear in your eyes. It breaks my heart. I cannot live with myself. "

Seher could not control her emotions anymore and said in a choked voice, " Please don't weaken me anymore Yaman. Please don't try coming near me. I beg of you. Your words render me helpless. My heart and mind are torn already and at war with each other. I have lost my trust and until I can regain my faith, don't expect anything from me. "

Yaman looked at her sorrowfully and said, "I am sorry. I did not want to make you uncomfortable. I apologize if I hurt you. I promise I will not trouble you like this again. You wouldn't be bothered again by me." Saying this he moved aside to give her way.

Seher couldn't say anything and simply dipped her head and started walking towards the bedroom door. The moment she opened the door and saw the bed, she started trembling. All the harsh words Yaman had said to her in this very room came back to haunt her with a vengeance.

"...I wanted you to fall from the top. Because...I hate you. I wanted to teach you who Yaman Kirimli is! I fooled you, to show you your arrogance! And believed you could be "us" with Yaman Kirimli. There, now you are a miserable, who believed in impossible dreams."

Seher started shivering and had to hold the wall for support. Yaman noticed this and rushed to her and said, " Seher ! Iyi misin? are you okay?? Seher! " He was deeply disturbed and dismayed to see her in this condition. What hurt the most was knowing that he was the reason for this state of hers.

Holding her waist and supporting her body weight on his arms, he took her to the couch and made her sit down. He then sat next to her and saw she was shuddering and her breathing was shallow and tears were streaming down her face. He wiped her tears with the pad of his thumb and holding both her hands, asked," Seher are you okay? Don't cry Seher. Please. Look at me darling."

She said, " This room. It reminds me of the times...when..."

To be continued.

Note:- Yaman is rapidly inching towards self realization and how much he hurt Seher. On the other hand, Seher is very gradually inching towards discerning how much Yaman loves her and is repentant. Both are going to have loads of beautiful romantic moments !! Very soon ! ❤️

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