Chapter 26

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"You must have known that I was lonely
Because you came to my rescue.
And I know that this must be heaven.
How could so much love be inside of you?"

-Stevie Wonder, 'You Are the Sunshine of My Life'

Yaman thought he had died and gone straight to Paradise!! 'HIS' Seher, the love of his life, was ready to take the next step in their relationship. She was ready to put all her trust and confidence in an erstwhile beast like him. If only she knew how deeply she had transformed and moved him! She had given him the biggest treasure in the world, that of her faith. And he would cherish and protect it, always!!

It seemed the world had come to a standstill and it was just the two of them, tracing their fingers on the beautiful shape of eternity. It was a moment when both of them felt they had transcended the ephemeral and entered into the realm of immortality. Their love had brought them to the brink of infinity.

Everything around them blurred away and faded into nothingness, except the growing awareness that they were two souls who had transcended beyond time and found their way back to each other. They were each other's destiny.

Seher could even hear the sounds of their heavy breathing and could see Yaman’s soulful eyes bore into her innermost recesses. Everything was amplified for her at this moment.

Yaman was scared to even move and break this surreal moment between them. Finally, Seher took the initiative and gradually lifting her fingers, caressed Yaman's face and whispered,
"All my life, I was a hopeless romantic but feared believing that such love is found outside of romantic stories and novels. I never thought I would find true love. But after meeting you and falling so passionately in love with you Yaman, I realised that God loves me. After all, He bestowed on me the best gift ever, that of your presence and companionship in my life."

"Today, more than ever, I recall a line by JRR Tolkien which I had read long back in school and it had a deep impact on me. I could never get it out of my head. The lines were- I would rather spend one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this world alone."

"I now truly comprehend these lines. They resonate with me so deeply now. If you are with me,I can face everything in life,Yaman. I don’t want to be away from you,ever. You are the wind beneath my wings, the foundation beneath my structure, the roots to my tree and the sky to my sun."

Yaman engulfed her tiny frame in his arms and stroking her hair very gently, kissed her on the forehead and said huskily, "Mrs. Kirimli, you are the most beautiful woman, both inside out, to have ever walked this earth. And I am a privileged and blessed man to have got the honour of being your husband."

And then with deft fingertips, he slowly opened her hair and arranging it like a curtain over her shoulders, started moving his fingers in her scalp. He then lifted a single lock of her hair and was thoroughly enjoying the smooth and silky texture of it. He murmured, "Since the initial days of our acquaintance, I have been enamoured by your beautiful hair and always wanted to run my fingers and feel their softness and satiny velvet texture in my hands."

And then, his eyes strayed to her lush and enticing body, from her desirable and very kissable mouth to her magnificently alluring breasts down to her very feminine and shapely hips. He said in a deep gravelly voice, "There are some other soft places on your body too which I want to explore with my hands and mouth."

He was rewarded with the beautiful view of his wife's blushes. She was trying, rather unsuccessfully, to hide her rosy pink cheeks.

Yaman kissed her adorably pink and heated cheeks and asked, " Do you know the story of the boy whose father sent him to find a treasure on the other side of the world?"

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