Chapter 27

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"When thinking of you,
My loneliest nights smile
like grass,
fighting to sprout when kissed by sun.
Because of you,
I'm feeding of nectar of hope
and all flowers want to grab my hand,
as if they're growing because of our love."

-Tatjana Ostojic

Yaman entered his workroom along with Nedim and very carefully, shut the door. He then swivelled around to look at him and grinned from ear to ear. “Good work, Nedim. You played along quite well. I wasn’t aware of this hidden acting talent of yours.”

Nedim smiled and said, “Yaman, I have worked with you for far too long to not understand when to apply tact. Sometimes, we need to use a scalpel and sometimes a broad sword. Today was a day for the former!”

His reply earned him a chuckle and a clap on the shoulder from Yaman. He smiled and asked, “So, how soon can we get the tickets and visas done?”

Nedim replied,”I have the checklist, Yaman. We can pull some strings and get the visas done within next 2-3 days. Accordingly, we can get the round tickets booked post that- from Turkey to Scotland, then to Italy and then back to Turkey, for both you and Seher. I would need some bank documents of yours along with some forms, which are required to be filled by both you and Seher.”

Yaman smiled and said,” Superb! Also, since you would need Seher's passport for visa application processing, let me go and collect it from her. I will be right back."


Nadire Anne, Sultan Hala, Firat, Ali, Kiraz, Ziya and Seher were deep in conversation, and for a casual observer watching from afar, it seemed like they had come together after eons. They had so much to discuss and talk about!

Meanwhile, Cenger and Adalet noticed that Firat kept craning his neck at frequent intervals to look at Neslihan with admiration, who was getting all shy with the attention bestowed on her.

Adalet and Cenger looked at each other knowingly. It was amply clear to them that another love story was in the offing. Adalet looked content that Neslihan had eventually found the man of her dreams, like she had always desired.

Cenger, on the other hand, was trying to maintain his calm and composed facade, even though he wanted to smile at the vagaries of life. Seeing love bloom among young people was always a joy to behold. It reminded him of his youthful days, and now, he envisaged his kids in these young couples.

Meanwhile, Kiraz was desperately longing to ask Seher about what she had witnessed a while back between her and Yaman! They were clearly in love. Anyone could see that!! She was ecstatic for Seher!! She was relieved to notice that all their differences seem to have been ironed out. She wished their beautiful love story to be everlasting!! This was one match actually made in heaven. They were simply parts of a single whole!

Kiraz finally decided that she would have to slyly take Seher away for a few minutes on some pretext as it was nearly impossible to talk to her with everyone around.

She turned to look at Seher and said, "I would love to see that dress you were talking about, Seher. Let us go upstairs and see how it looks on you now, after the alteration. Shall we?" And then she winked surreptitiously. Seher was mystified by Kiraz's comment but construed it as a sign that Kiraz desired to talk about something, in private.

Thus, Seher got all excited and conjectured that Kiraz wanted to talk about her engagement and was feeling embarrassed in front of others. So, she eagerly agreed and turned to look at everyone and excusing themselves, said, "We will be right back. "

Remorse- Yaman realises all his sins.Where stories live. Discover now