Chapter 30

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"With your body so warm in my arms,
It sets my poor heart aflame.
So kiss me sweet with your warm wet mouth,
Still fragrant with ruby wine,
And say with a fervor born of the South
That your body and soul are mine.
Clasp me close in your warm young arms,
While the pale stars shine above,
And we'll live our whole young lives away
In the joys of a living love."

-Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Seher's eyes fluttered open, dark, glazed and heavy lidded, with a newfound emotion. A delicious shudder went through her, and she felt her body on fire! A strong yet gentle pair of lean male hands were on her waist and then roving tenderly all over her body, creating sensations within her which were melting her from the inside. His hands were unsettling her with their warmth and strength! His nearness wreaked havoc on her senses. Oh, what was this magic and sorcery happening to her mind, body and soul?

"My beautiful, adorable Seher," Yaman murmured against her hair, and then his mouth was on hers, all over again. Their lips touched, their breath mingling, their eyes shuttering closed. Seher felt her senses spinning out of control, as if she were riding a giant sea swell or a rogue wave. Something deep within her core shifted and came to life, sending tremors of longing through her entire being. Yaman's arms tightened and her breath hitched at the contact their bodies made in the most intimate places, hers.. all soft curves, his..all ripped, hard muscles.

Her heart was racing like a wild animal, trying to escape her chest. The pressure of his silken mouth deepened. He gently took her lower lip into his mouth to suck gently on the moist, tender flesh. Dazed by the potency of these new, unfamiliar sensations pouring through her body, Seher felt the world fade away like some fabled city of mythology. She forgot where they were. Gosh, she even forgot who they were. There were no rational thoughts in her mind anymore, and she just felt like wax set aflame, melting at his touch and caresses.

She could feel the scrape of his beard against her soft, tender skin, and it ignited her sensations all the more. An endless yearning seemed to build up inside her, but she was unsure, for what!

Suddenly, Yaman broke the kiss, and his eyes were dark with concern, tenderness and desire when he whispered, "Let's go by the fire in the bedroom, sweetheart. You must be cold."

He then bent and caught her up in his arms and carried her into the bedroom, adjoining the sitting room in their suite. He then set her on her feet and eyeing her clothes, gently asked, "Shall we remove these?"

Seher took a step back, still clinging to the gown she was wearing, her hands knotted tightly on the cleavage of her dress. She glanced at the fire and the light it emanated, imagining her naked self being completely exposed to his gaze.

Yaman gently framed her face with his hands and called out her name, "Seher..."

She squeaked nervously and said, "Y-Yaman...I want to please you. So much.I want to love you..but I am soo n-nervous . . ."

He pulled her into his arms and breathed against her hair, murmuring," You don't need to please me, darling. Your presence itself is a warm blanket on this cold night. Just loosen yourself up and trust me. Don't be nervous, Seher. I will never proceed with anything that you don't want. I want to take you to heaven and me,together. And whenever at any step you feel you want me to stop,just say the word, darling. There is nothing more important than your wishes."

Seher fastened her big, sparkling, green eyes on him and kissing him on the lips, she murmured with a tremulous smile, "I love you, Yaman".

Yaman looked deep into those deeper-than ocean eyes, and pulling down her gown a notch, kissed her bare shoulder and answered, "I love you beyond comprehension, Seher. You are sooo incredibly sweet! Sometimes I wonder how I survived these harsh years without you in my life." He was touched by the fact that she had considered him worthy of gifting her body to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2022 ⏰

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