One Hell of a Graduation

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You don't get over it; you get through it... It doesn't get better; it gets different... Every day, just like me, grief puts on a new face.

"Angel, Honey, we need to talk," Angel's dad spoke, opening her bedroom door while she got ready for her last day of school before her graduation that night.

"Yes?" Angel asked, looking up at him through her lashes.

"If things don't go well this summer, are you ready to take the throne?" David asked, knowing that there was a good chance that his parents wouldn't make it through the summer.

"Of course" Angel nodded without any doubt on her face.

"Just remember if you do not wish to adjust the plans we had set, you can always appoint someone to be your proxy until you are ready" David smiled warmly at his daughter.

"I know, Dad, but I am ready for this when the time comes" Angel smiled back.

"Good, and I will always be here to help if you need it," David spoke, kissing Angel's forehead.

"Thank you, Daddy," Angel grinned, "Now, I need to get to school because we're going over to ASU West to practice for the ceremony tonight."

"See you in a few hours."

"I love you."

"I love you too," David smiled as Angel walked downstairs to leave.

ASU West

"So, do you want to go to any parties this weekend before we fly to Ireland?" Armando asked as he sat with Angel away from the rest of the senior class as they waited for their graduation ceremony to start

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"So, do you want to go to any parties this weekend before we fly to Ireland?" Armando asked as he sat with Angel away from the rest of the senior class as they waited for their graduation ceremony to start.

"No, I want to just enjoy this weekend on my own before we fly home. I'm not going to have much time to myself this summer" Angel sighed, knowing that this summer, her country was on her shoulders.

"Still enlisting?" Armando asked, knowing it was up in the air for Angel.

"Depends on how this summer goes. But my recruiter already knows about what is going on, and we have a date for me to come in and sign my contract if everything goes well" Angel smiled weakly.

"Alright, everyone! It's time to line up. We're about to start the ceremony," Dr. Rivers spoke before Armando could reply.

Everything went by quickly, and before Angel knew it, she was walking across the stage to receive her diploma. She smiled shyly as she heard Doctor Rivers call her by her legal name, Seraphina O'Connor, and her family roared in excitement. Angel didn't even remember giving her Valedictorian speech; everything was such a blur about today.

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