What's Your Decision?

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You may not be pushing me away, but you're not fighting to keep me either.

"Good morning, My Little Fox," Sloane smiled, slipping into his granddaughter's hospital room.

"Morning, Grandpa" Angel smiled a little as she made room for him on the window seat.

"So, I want to talk to you about what you're going to do after this summer," he smiled, sitting down by her feet, "The better question is, what do you want to do?"

"I want to go to college for international law, but I want to stay on the East Coast. I know we could get me into a university in the UK, but I want to be here in the States if anything happens to my parents. Being on the East Coast would also make it easier for me to fly to Ireland if I need to" she smiled, knowing her grandfather would support her no matter what.

"You did apply to Columbia, Yale, NYU, and Georgetown as a precaution" Sloane nodded.

"And I got into all four. Columbia or NYU would make the most sense since I have the apartment there, but Georgetown would put me in DC. I could go to meetings for you," Angel replied, pointing out the positives of the three schools.

"You don't like DC, and I can't get you a medical card there. You have plenty of friends and family in New York, and it's just a train ride away to go to DC if I need you to attend a meeting. My only stipulation is that Rae comes with you; it makes me feel better knowing that she is with you," he countered.

"Columbia," Rae's voice replied from the door.

"I guess that answers that question," Angel chuckled, "Am I going home finally?"

"Yes, you are. Your grandfather has already signed your discharge paperwork, and Miss Raelynn has a change of clothes for you. I came in to disconnect you from everything and go over the information that I have already sent to your doctors in New York and Ireland," Dr. Maxon grinned, stepping in.

"Thank God!" Angel sighed, getting a chuckle out of everyone, "And I can just go over everything with them later."

"Nope, you don't get off that easily. Rae has already gone over taking care of your stitches with me. Still, I need to go over your sling," Maxon chuckled as Angel's face dropped, "Three months, and if it's not in a sling, it better be wrapped to your body. This summer, I will be checking in with your doctors in Ireland and with your best friends to ensure that you are following your doctor's orders."

"Yes, sir," Angel sighed.

Maxon skillfully removed the IV lines and her monitors while Angel found herself staring again into the parking lot. She couldn't keep her mind from wandering to Stitch, and it made Angel feel like a love-sick puppy. Sloane and Rae could see that Angel's mind was elsewhere, but Sloane knew where it was. As much as it would piss off Seraphina, Sloane would do everything in his power to bring the two back together. Once Maxon had turned everything off, the two men left Angel's hospital room so that she could get dressed.

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