Well, Hello There

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Lazy Sunday? Maybe for some people.

"We're almost home, Your Majesty" Fergus smiled as they approached New York three days after leaving Phoenix.

"Thank you" Angel nodded, sliding the blind on her window up.

As she looked down at New York City beneath them, Angel longed for her grandmother. Having met in New York, New York held a special place in Sloane and Thea's hearts. Angel had grown up hearing stories about their apartment in Brooklyn before her great-grandfather died of a heart attack. Thea had always told Angel that they had considered staying in New York until Nicholas had died. Sloane and Thea met in a Harlem jazz club right after World War II's end and fell in love quickly. By Valentine's Day in 1946, Sloane had gotten Nicholas' blessing to marry Thea, and he asked her that night in their favorite Jazz Club surrounded by their friends.

Stitch noticed how quiet Angel had been during the flight and how now she was even deeper in thought, staring at New York City

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Stitch noticed how quiet Angel had been during the flight and how now she was even deeper in thought, staring at New York City. Seraphina was the type to keep things close to the vest concerning her feelings and thoughts. As the plane landed, Stitch noted Angel's autopilot kick in and moved her from the plane to the car without her seeming to notice. Something told him that Angel's mind wasn't on her own trauma but on something more profound to her. He'd have his answer when they finally reached the apartment in the Empire State Building.

The Apartment

"Grandmother?" Angel asked in surprise as the elevator doors opened into the apartment to reveal the Queen sitting in one of the windows

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"Grandmother?" Angel asked in surprise as the elevator doors opened into the apartment to reveal the Queen sitting in one of the windows.

"Well, hello there! I wanted to be here when you got to New York" Thea smiled at Angel.

"What are you doing here? You should be at home resting," Angel questioned, afraid to approach Thea.

"I missed you, and I missed New York. Your grandfather thought it would be a good idea if I came home for a little while" Thea smiled, and those that hadn't met the Queen realized she had a New York accent and not an Irish one.

"I missed you too," Angel smiled, her voice cracking as tears rose.

"Now, you stop that, Young Lady!" Thea sighed, "Your grandfather and I are going to fight daily to be here as long as we can for you. It just got bad again because of Sloane's diagnosis."

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