Hello Little Fox

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The meaning of life is to give life meaning.

"Seraphina O'Conner?" the doctor spoke, stepping into the waiting room.

"That would be us," David spoke, standing up, causing the large group to follow.

"Wow, I see Seraphina has a lot of family members," he smiled, "My name is Doctor Maxon. Please follow me."

Everyone nodded as they followed Dr. Maxon to a conference room on the same floor they were on. Rae's family had arrived, as had Armando, so the group was definitely significant. The two best friends clung to each other as they waited to find out how Angel's surgery had gone, hoping that it went well so that they could still go to Ireland that summer.

"Seraphina's-" Maxon started but was interrupted

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"Seraphina's-" Maxon started but was interrupted.

"My granddaughter prefers to be called Angel," Sloane interrupted.

"Absolutely, Your Majesty." Maxon nodded before continuing, "Angel's surgery went perfectly, but regardless of the experimental pins we used, she may not be able to enlist. Angel will need to go through intense physical therapy and may not have comfortable full-range of motion."

"Are there any concerns we should be aware of?" Rae asked.

"Only the normal ones that we watch for when someone has surgery but based on how healthy Angel is, I believe she will be fine. I want to keep her here for observation for the weekend, and come Monday, we will have a better idea when Angel can be released. Still, I can safely say that I will sign off for Angel to fly a week after that on Friday. I just want two weeks before she takes a trip like that," Maxon replied.

"Do you recommend we stagger the trip? Fly to New York and then home a couple of days later?" Armando questioned.

"That would be the best idea" he nodded.

"When can we see our sister?" Tatum inquired, not liking not being able to see her.

"Angel is heavily sedated and won't wake up for a couple of hours, but I can take a few of you to see Angel," Maxon stood, "But we can only allow four guests in her room at a time."

"Dad, you and the boys and Rae should go first," David spoke, feeling guilty for his behavior earlier.

"Thank you, I won't be very long. I just want to see Seraphina for a moment. I, unfortunately, have meetings I need to attend that my beautiful granddaughter would scold me for canceling." Sloane smiled, kissing the top of his son's head.

The small group followed Dr. Maxon to Angel's room as the larger group went back to the waiting room. Sloane was right about how angry Angel would be with him for canceling his meetings today because she was in the hospital. She was a tough woman that never wanted people to change their plans because of her.

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