Welcome To New York

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Don't someone's downtime, spare time, part-time or sometimes. If they can't be there for you all of the time, then they're not even worth your time.

"Your Majesty, we're approaching New York City if you would like to take a look." the captain smiled, stepping into the cabin, knowing that Seraphina loved New York.

"Thank you, Fergus." Angel smiled brightly, looking up at her Grandfather's personal pilot as Rae and Armando slid up the window blinds getting to see the city for the first time.

Angel smiled as she watched their faces birth beaming smiles as they saw the City that Never Sleeps sprawled out before them. The midday sun hit the lake in Central Park perfectly so that it appeared to be covered in ice due to the lake being that still. Even from the air, you could still feel the city's heartbeat, and it never failed to put a smile on Angel's face. Towns like this always excited her soul, and she loved that as time went on, she would be able to share this with her best friends for the rest of their lives. She resisted the urge to laugh as she watched her friends stare wide-eyed with their faces smashed up against the jet's windows at the gorgeous city. Angel hoped this trip would solidify Rae and Armando becoming her permanent advisors because she knew they would keep her grounded.

"This is amazing!" Armando breathed, turning to Angel with a large smile

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"This is amazing!" Armando breathed, turning to Angel with a large smile.

"Welcome to the city of your dreams, guys" Angel smiled at her two best friends sitting back comfortably in her seat.

"Where are we going to be staying while we're here?" Rae asked, turning to Angel, knowing that it would be one swanky place.

"We have an apartment in The Empire State Building that is technically a part of the Irish Embassy. You will get some of the best views while we are here because we have a full floor to ourselves. We will have a driver at our fingertips so that we can go explore the city when we are not in meetings. I want to make this trip amazing since you have never been here" Angel smiled, knowing how excited her friends were since this was their first and hopefully not their last time in the city.

"Are you serious?" Armando asked with wide-eyes that betrayed his excitement.

"Absolutely serious" Angel chuckled as she felt the plane finally touchdown and breathed a sigh of relief at being on the ground again.

When the plane came to a stop, and the stairs had been set up, the three friends walked off the jet, excited to see the city up close for the first time. She could hear her friends' footsteps halt as they came to the top of the steps and could see a ground view of the city a couple of miles away. As she glanced towards the trucks, her Grandfather got out of the middle one causing a large smile to appear on her face again. However, she felt a smidgen of fear because he only met her at the airport when something was wrong, so less attention would be brought to her in public. He had never wanted to expose her identity to the world by being in public with her, so something had to be wrong.

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