Did You Find Him?

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Maybe you were made for this very moment; to walk bravely through blazing fire, and by grace, come forth as gold. -Morgan Harper Nichols

"Well, Angel, I've got some good news for you," Maxon smiled, walking into Angel's room.

"Please tell me I can go home on Monday," Angel asked with hope in her eyes.

"Oh, wow, this is the first time I've seen you without someone in here," Maxon commented, noticing that the room was void of guests, "Yes, you will be going home on Monday."

"Oh, thank God!" Angel exclaimed excitedly.

"BUT!" Maxon interrupted, "But you will not be allowed to operate a vehicle for the next three months."

"I'm hearing a need for guards this summer," she sighed, slouching in her bed just as the door opened again, "Please tell me you found him!"

"We have," Chief Williams chuckled a little, "He just got out of Ranger school, so his identity will be kept secret. He said that we can call him Stitch, though."

"Is he going to testify?" Maxon asked as he checked Angel's dressing.

"Yes, when the case is tried in Ireland, he will answer questions from a secure location while still maintaining his security. But he has agreed to let you see a picture of him if you would like" Jeri smiled.

"If it's printed, can you just leave it in a folder over there?" Angel whispered, not yet ready to make that decision, "Can someone get ahold of Tide and see if he's willing to come and see me? I know Rae hasn't told him about the scholarship and the program in his name."

"Of course! He's actually been in the waiting room downstairs the whole weekend" Jeri nodded, leaving the folder where Angel indicated.

"Thank you" she nodded as Jeri and Maxon left the room, leaving Angel alone again.

Angel stared out the window as she tried to ignore the sound of her heart monitor beeping. Hospitals made her incredibly uncomfortable, especially with the health issues related to the King and Queen. Today was Sunday, so Angel just had to wait one more day, and she could be free of the anxiety that this facility brought her.

"You wanted to see me?" Tide asked as the door quietly opened

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"You wanted to see me?" Tide asked as the door quietly opened.

"Oh, you really are okay," Angel breathed as he brought her out of her thoughts.

"Thanks to you," he smiled, honestly, "Where would you like me to be in here? Being around men can't be easy."

"I know you're not a threat, Tide," Angel smiled warmly, "You can sit next to me."

"How are you feeling?" Tide asked, sitting down next to her.

"I'm in a lot of pain, but I would rather be aware than get hooked on narcotics. Did you see the guy that stopped the cop from- uh- from- yeah to me?" Angel asked Tide.

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