The In-Laws

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With the right person, it feels simple. Even when it's difficult it feels simple. Because you never question if it's worth it. You know the answer is yes. -Sue Zhao

"So what are you making since it has to be enough for all of us now?" Angel asked coming back into the kitchen. 

"Chicken sandwich melts and then I've got something a little bigger planned for dinner" Alun grinned. 

"What's dinner then?" she asked curiously. 

"Crawfish Etouffee" he smirked, knowing it was one of Angel's favorites. 

"You made that on our last night in New York," Angel smiled, "Thank you for cooking."

"It's the least I can do with how busy you're going to be over the summer" he replied kissing Angel's forehead. 

"This is the softest I've ever seen my son with a woman" Olympia smiled sitting at the counter. 

"Personally, I never thought Alun would settle down with anyone" Marcellus admitted as the door to the kitchen opened again. 

"Wow, way to have faith in me bro" Stitch chuckled at his brother as they all looked at the door. 

"Oh my god! What are you guys doing here?" Angel exclaimed seeing her parents and brothers. 

"Things got worse in Arizona, so we decided to come out here for the summer." Tatum smiled at his younger sister, "Especially, when Grandpa called and told us about you taking the throne in three months." 

"Grandma said to tell Alun that he doesn't need to make dinner tonight," Julian smiled, "We're all eating in their apartment tonight so we call all get to know each other."

"Alun, Belisama, Daffodil, Marcellus, Olympia, Shahan, and Nero this is my family." Angel grinned happy to have everyone here, "Mom, Dad, Tatum, and Julian, this is Alun and his family. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Alun smiled, reaching his hand out to shake everyone's hand, "Would you guys like chicken sandwich melts? We've got more than enough for everyone." 

Alun got nods from Angel's family and he quickly got to work pumping out sandwiches for everyone and he could see that Seraphina was happy as they watched their families mingle. He could see that Angel was feeling more and more comfortable with the role she was going to step into in September. There was something on her mind though, and Adelaide seemed to notice as she placed a hand on daughter's shoulder. 

"Can I talk to you and Dad?" Angel asked looking at her mom

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"Can I talk to you and Dad?" Angel asked looking at her mom. 

"Here, you three take these" Alun smiled sliding three plates of food over. 

"Thank you, Alun" David smiled as they followed Angel to the living room. 

"So, you mentioned that Arizona has gotten dangerous for you guys, and I assume that means even my house." Angel sighed, knowing Arizona was where her younger brother had grown up, "Grandma finished remodeling their old New York Brownstone for me. Before Grandpa informed me of everything, I was going to live there while going to Columbia. Obviously that has changed, but it is large enough for all of you. I want to give the house to you." 

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