The Makings of a Queen

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Your eyes tell a story. 

"I know it's a short amount of time that we've been together, Angel, but would you, Seraphina Josephine O'Connor, marry me?" Alun asked the morning before Angel's coronation. 

"Happily" Seraphina smiled, wrapping her arms around Alun. 

"Just tell our families and announce it a few weeks after your coronation?" Alun asked, sliding the stunning 2ct emerald engagement ring on her finger. 

"That's a perfect idea," Angel smiled, still admiring the beautiful vintage ring, "The country adores you, so I bet everyone will be excited to hear about our engagement." 

"You are right about that," Stitch chuckled, "It was my grandmother's ring on my mom's side. The emerald just made the most sense with you being Irish." 

"It's perfect" Angel grinned, kissing Stitch. 

The 2ct emerald-cut emerald sat in an intricate halo of diamonds on a simple gold band that fit Seraphina's delicate finger perfectly. Angel had never thought about what she'd hoped her engagement ring would look like when she finally got engaged but this was perfect. The stunning ring fit Angel's modern vintage vibe and was a nod to Ireland with the beautiful emerald center-stone.

 The stunning ring fit Angel's modern vintage vibe and was a nod to Ireland with the beautiful emerald center-stone

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"I'm glad you love it," Alun smiled, "I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't liked it."

"Honey, you could have given me a ring made out of resin and I still would have loved it," Seraphina chuckled, "Truth be told, I never really imagined what my dream ring would look like. I had excepted a long time ago that when I got married is most likely going to be more of an arranged marriage."

"You've briefly mentioned that before," Alun nodded as they enjoyed a rare private breakfast, "It saddens me a little knowing that you never imagined that fairytale engagement and wedding. Especially, since you have the money at you disposal for the elaborate wedding."

"Just means that whatever we create together for ours will be completely ours," Angel grinned, "I wouldn't want ideas for other weddings to cloud what we create together as our perfect wedding." 

"I like that" Stitch nodded as Angel's new assistant, Laryssa, came into the couple's kitchen. 

"Good morning, Your Majesty, Mr. Tahirih," Laryssa bowed slightly, "You both just have your final fittings for tomorrow's coronation." 

"Laryssa, you don't have to call me Mr. Tahirih," Alun smiled, "Alun or Stitch is perfectly fine with me." 

"Alun," Laryssa nodded before noticing the ring on Angel's finger, "Angel it's beautiful!" 

"Thank you, it's Alun's grandmother's ring," Angel smiled, "And thank you for switching to Angel. I prefer it to being called 'Your Majesty,' especially in private." 

"Galadriel explained how you prefer to be treated in private and stressed calling you Angel or Seraphina after initially addressing you in the morning" Laryssa explained, still standing near the door to the kitchen. 

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