Crown Princess Seraphina Josephine O'Connor

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If anything can easily anger you, it is because you are off balance with yourself.

"How are you feeling?" Alun asked, carefully massaging Seraphina's traps.

"Today, you renounce your American citizenship and your position in the military because I'm announcing the change of power in Ireland. How do you think I feel?" Phina sighed, turning around to face him.

"To build a life with you. And my new positions are a major step up from what I was doing in the States" Stitch smiled, getting a blush from Angel.

"I wish we could have stayed in Clifden," Angel whispered, laying her head on his chest.

"You've got a doctor's appointment tomorrow, so we had to come back," Stitch chuckled, wrapping his arms around her.

"Your Majesty, it's time," Jaime spoke, stepping into the room.

"Thank you, Jaime." Angel sighed, "You watched me grow up, and now I'm stepping into the spotlight."

"And I've never been more proud of you, Angel Fox," Jaime whispered before Angel stepped into the press room.

"You gave me that codename" Angel smiled before stepping onto the stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, members of the press and viewers worldwide, I would like to introduce my Granddaughter and heir to the Irish throne Crown Princess Seraphina Josephine O'Connor." King Sloane smiled, gesturing his hand to draw everyone's attention.

There were murmurs of surprise as everyone in the room watched the stunning brunette walk up to the podium. Angel's figure was framed by a tailored olive suit and ribbed beige tank top, a short gold chain drawing your attention to her slender neck. Her entrancing hazel eyes looked olive next to her suit, and her long hair was curled at the ends. Angel cleared her throat nervously as she glanced over at Stitch, who returned an encouraging nod.

"Citizens of Ireland, military personnel, and those watching around the world, it is my honor to stand before you today to affirm my position as heir to the Irish throne

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"Citizens of Ireland, military personnel, and those watching around the world, it is my honor to stand before you today to affirm my position as heir to the Irish throne." Seraphina smiled, her Irish accent coming out, having spent her language-developing years in Ireland. "I will take the throne in the fall as King Sloane steps down from his royal duties to begin a fight against cancer. I hope I can make you proud, and more importantly, I hope to make my grandfather proud. Many of you here, in this room and possibly watching, have spent time with me as a child. My goal as the Queen of Ireland is to continue to build on the work that King Sloane has done for decades. And to push our country towards renewable energy and reducing our carbon footprint. I look forward to meeting even more Irish citizens I haven't had the chance to meet. Thank you. I'd like to open the floor for a few questions."

"What makes you feel ready to take on such an important role at such a young age?" a reporter from the states asked when Angel pointed at him.

"I don't think any ruler would say they've felt ready for the job, but I have spent my entire life preparing for this day." Angel replied before pointing at a female reporter from the UK.

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