A Royal Wedding

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I want you to know that I'm all yours. 

"Today is the Royal wedding of Queen Seraphina O'Connor and her Fiancé Lord Alun Tahirih. The couple met while she was still in the states shortly after Her Majesty had been shot by an American police officer. In her own words they both knew pretty quickly that they were meant for each other. Lord Alun was previously in the United States military before taking a position training Irish special forces as well as overseeing the royal security" a reporter spoke from the media platform across from the cathedral. 

"From what I've heard Queen Seraphina, who we all know is the youngest living Queen in the world has planned every detail of this wedding with her fiancé. They didn't use a wedding planner like most royals do for their weddings, and it's going to be the grandest royal wedding anyone has ever seen" another reporter commented. 

"She is in fact the youngest living Queen, having just turned 20 last week" the first reporter commented. 

"How are you feeling?" Addie asked her daughter as they listened to the news in the background while getting ready. 

"I'm nervous, but I'm excited to be marrying Alun today" Angel grinned. 

"I'm so proud of you and all the work the two of you have been doing this past year" Adelaide grinned back.

"Thank you, Mom" Seraphina smiled as the stylist finished her makeup. 

"You ready to get into your dress? We've got about thirty minutes before we have to leave" Vanessa, Seraphina's childhood best friend before the states, grinned in her emerald gown. 

"Mom, are you ready to help me get in my dress?" Seraphina beamed. 

"Absolutely" Addie replied, jumping up from her chair. 

After about ten minutes Addie came back into the room where Seraphina's four bridesmaids were patiently waiting to see the bride for the first time in her gown. The tears in Adelaide's eyes said it all. There was no doubt in Vanessa's mind that her best friend was going to be the most breathtaking bride she'd ever see. As the door opened again, Vanessa couldn't help the tears that pooled in her eyes when she saw Angel. It was a stunning off-the-shoulder chiffon ballgown with appliques decorating the whole gown. 

"Oh Angel!" Vanessa cried

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"Oh Angel!" Vanessa cried. 

"Do you like it?" Angel asked, looking for her best friend's approval. 

"Do I like it? You look like amazing! I love it" Vanessa beamed. 

"You look breathtaking" Imogen, another bridesmaid grinned, dabbing her tears. 

"Raelynn should have been here, I can't believe she got stuck in Japan!" Lacey a third bridesmaid commented. 

"Yeah, she feels awful about it, but it kind of worked out because one of Alun's groomsmen got orders last minute and isn't going to make it either" Angel sighed a little. 

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