What If You Didn't Have To Leave?

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If you don't practice, you don't deserve to win. - Andre Agassi

"We just have to wait two years," Alun whispered to Seraphina as they sat together at the back of the royal jet.

"I don't want to wait two years to be with you," Seraphina whispered back, "Especially after this last week."

"Having you in my arms every night was amazing, and as much as I know I shouldn't admit this, I'm in love with you." Alun replied with honesty in his eyes, "Are you sure you want to be in a long-distance relationship for two years? I'm going to be overseas for most of that time."

"And I'm going to be running a country from behind the scenes while going to college," Angel countered.

"If I didn't know what your touch felt like, I would have the heart to argue with you," Stitch sighed, rubbing his thumb along the top of Angel's knuckles.

"I'm in love with you too," she admitted, afraid to make eye contact with him.

"Even if you weren't a future queen, you would still be the queen of my heart," he smiled, lifting her chin, "I will use any leave I get that is long enough to come home to you no matter where you are."

"I can always come to you, too," Angel replied, trying not to kiss him.

"We'll plan when the times arise" Stitch grinned, wishing he could kiss her.

"Your Majesties, we're about to begin our descent into Dublin," Fergus spoke, looking back into the cabin.

"Thank you, Fergus" Thea smiled from her seat further forward in the cabin.

Angel slid her screen up as she felt the plane beginning to descend and saw her absolute favorite place in the world; Ireland. Dun Laoghaire Marina grew closer, and Angel couldn't hide the growing smile on her face as they grew closer to her home. Stitch was expecting to see seas of green but was surprised to see a busy city instead. It was nothing like New York or Los Angeles, but Dublin seemed to take you back.

"It's amazing" Stitch smiled

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"It's amazing" Stitch smiled.

"I want to take you someplace before you go back to the states" Angel grinned excitedly.

"What if I told you two there was another option?" Thea asked, slipping into the seat next to Angel.

"Your Majesty?" Stitch asked.

"The King has been negotiating a deal with the United States. It could allow you to finish your final two years in New York helping train some of our military" Thea smiled.

"But how would he stay in Ireland then?" Angel asked, not understanding.

"I would need the summer to train here in Ireland before beginning the liaison training between our countries." Stitch replied, understanding what the Queen was getting at, "I would like that very much. I assume a part of my duties would be an additional body to protect the Princess."

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