The End of the Narcissist

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I overthink: I think ahead, I think behind, I think sideways, I think of it all. If it exists, I've fucking thought of it.

"Why?" Angel asked in a monotone voice to mask the betrayal she was feeling.

"I thought we were done. You said you wanted to take a break, and I assumed that meant that we were over," JB defended.

"A break means we are still together, but we are taking some time apart to handle some things! You took that to mean you could sleep with another woman while I was in Ireland! I cannot believe you! We are officially through, and to think I thought I could trust you enough to help me run an entire country!" She growled.

"What do you mean to run a country? Your family is from here," JB questioned.

"My mom's family is from here, but my dad's family is from Ireland; that is why you had never met my dad's parents except for prom night. After I finish college, my grandparents are stepping down from the throne, and I am to take their place. Be it alone or with someone by my side, but you have proven that you are not going to be the one by my side," Angel sighed as she got up to leave.

"Baby, please! It was a mistake, and it will never happen again!" he exclaimed after finding out that he could be so much more than a poor kid from Mexico.

"No, because you are a narcissistic prick, it will happen again, and you only want to stay with me so that you can rule a country—news flash, Honey, that is not going to happen. If you ever speak to me again, I will ruin your life. I know people in high places that will make it impossible for you to get a job anywhere." Angel hissed as she threw her backpack over her shoulder before walking away to her Junior English class.

She had always been a diplomatic person in her responses to people. She refused to make a scene because she knew drawing too much attention towards herself. At the same time, she continued to go to school in the United States would impact her image with her people when she took the throne. She had watched many girls at her school go through what she had and made a scene to draw attention to their pain, and Angel wished she could do the same. But Angel knew to show her pain was to show weakness, which she could not afford.

As she walked into Mrs

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As she walked into Mrs. Ross' English class before lunch was over, she sat in her usual seat in the back. She worked on composing herself before anyone could see what she was feeling. She cracked open the book her grandmother had given her and began to read the story of a woman who had, had her heart ripped out by a man but proved that she was so much stronger than anyone thought. The more she read, the more engulfed in the story she was, and the more encouraged she felt.

She could feel the lioness inside her grow in strength, and she knew that as long as she kept moving forward, she would make it farther than anyone expected her to. She would be the Queen her country needed her to be, and she would be the woman she needed herself to be. If Angel had to step on necks to get to where she was going, she would do it. On the way, she would repair herself, knowing that she had the power to make that Narcissist see how badly he had fucked up. Until then, she would make her moves silently and keep appearing to be just a brunette, white girl in Phoenix.

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