Chapter 39

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*Isabella's POV* 

The Cafe had been relatively quiet all day, most of the sales had been takeaways, well dressed business men and women bustling into the shop and leaving with armfuls of coffee to refuel their fellow wealthy co-workers. I stood behind the front counter, my elbows rested against the freshly wiped down surface, my head supported by my hands as I tapped a pen rhythmically against my notepad. Harry's mum was coming at 12, the curly haired weirdo making his appearance shortly after. I glanced at the clock on the wall, the porcelain face shaped like a coffee mug with the shop logo neatly printed in the middle. It was 11.55. Five minutes and Harry's mother would be here with me, alone in the empty cafe with Olivia on lunch break and The Boss off for the day. There was no one here to get me out of any sticky situations I will inevitably get myself into, I tend to speak without thinking when I am under pressure. 

I huffed and began to doodle on my notepad, messily scribbling hearts and smiley faces into the corners of the crisp, white paper. Each face had its own little characteristic, one had big ears, the second had its tongue sticking out and the third had curly hair and a goofy grin. The inspiration for the third was a mystery. As I began to add the finishing touches to the shading of the heart, the bell above the door echoed throughout the otherwise silent business. My head snapped in the direction of the entrance, a gust of cold air whipped through the open door and blew some stray napkins onto the floor. Harry's mum quickly closed the door and stuttered and apology, gathering the napkins in her hands and placing them neatly onto a free table. She brushed her silky black hair behind her ear and started to fiddle nervously with her glove covered fingers. She cleared her throat and took a seat at one of the many free tables, although this was no ordinary table, it was the same table Harry sat at the first day I spoke to him. Harry's mum sat at Harry's table. I smiled slightly to myself and gathered up my pen and notepad, straightening up my apron as I stood from the stool I had been sitting at. 

I padded slowly across the tiled floor and stopped just shy of her table and cleared my throat slightly, alerting the woman in front of my presence. She jumped slightly and looked up at my face. I had never really seen her facial features properly before, Harry had me ushered out of the room pretty quickly last time she made an appearance, yet I was startled to see the resemblance between the two. Her eyes were a pale green, slightly less vibrant than her sons but there was no doubt that he got this characteristic from his mother. Behind her eyes was the same genuine kindness and compassion, an endearing quality which was especially mesmerising whenever Harry smiled, his eyes lighting up in delight, making him look childlike and sweet. Her teeth were a brilliant white and perfectly straight, her smile offering some reassurance and the genuine happiness behind the gesture relaxing my rattled nerves. Her hair was black as coal, with a shimmer which reflected the bright lights of the cafe above her head. The strands fell in loose waves around her face, shaping the contour of her jaw and emphasising the brightness of her eyes. Her face was lightly dusted with make-up, light pink eye shadow shimmered on her eyes lids, mascara and eyeliner were both perfectly applied to emphasise the feature and a peach lip gloss was brushed evenly on her full lips. If Harry ever decided to give her a chance I would defiantly be asking for some make-up advice. 

"Hi, what can I get for you?" I asked politely. Despite not knowing what this woman had done to Harry to make him hate her so deeply, there was still a part of me that had a disliking towards the woman who had caused someone I cared about so much pain. But I couldn't judge without knowing the facts. I would form my own opinion on the woman in front of me once I knew the whole story. 

"Erm, could I have a black coffee please?" She asked politely and I nodded, jotting her order down on my pad before turning to make my way back to the front counter. 

"Excuse me?" She added and I turned back to face her. 

"Aren't you the girl who was at my son's house the other day?" She questioned and I nodded my head, smiling slightly. 

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