Chapter 9

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*Harry's POV*

"Harry get your arse out of bed because if I do not hear you moving around within the next 10 seconds I am going to fill this cup with water and throw it on you!" Liam yelled up the stairs, clearly sick and tired of mothering me every time I need to go to the hospital.

I attempted to rub the sleep out of my eyes and waken myself up a bit. I had stayed up talking to Izzy at all hours of the morning; it must have been at least 3am before we started saying our goodnights, despite her having attempted to get rid of me three hours earlier. I however am not that easy to be rid of and gently persuaded her into another long conversation about her, finding out about her life and ambitions for the future. I neatly avoided any conversation about my past and instead deterred the conversation back to her and I had to pat myself on the back for my quick thinking during some of her more difficult questions.

I just wasn't ready to talk about my past, to anyone for that matter. I had never opened up to anyone about what I went through when Ava was killed. To my family and friends I was just mourning the loss of my girlfriend, little did they know I was far beyond upset about her death, I was borderline suicidal. I had seriously considered ending it and joining her in heaven but I knew that isn't what she would want so I carried on with my life, a shell of the man I used to be. No one understood my love for Ava, and no one ever would because they didn't deserve to know, what we had was only to be felt and understood between us. No one else.

Despite this however, the aftermath which followed the loss of my beautiful girl had led me to suffer from severe depression and Liam, being the observant guy he was, began to notice this. So for two years, every Thursday morning he would take me to the hospital for 2 hours where I would be encouraged to "talk about my feelings" and then would be prescribed with another dosage of drugs to help me cope with the "unhappy feelings which were in my heart" as my sickly sweet doctor had put it.

"Damn it move or I swear to God I will drag your naked arse out onto the street and lock the door!" Liam boomed as he barged into my room.

"You know Liam, there is such a thing as knocking" I grumbled as I limply rolled out of my bed and headed over to my wardrobe, wearing nothing but a pair of black Calvin Klein boxers, not that Liam would care, he would probably be grateful that I actually had something on today. I pulled out a pair of tight black skinny jeans with a hole in the knee and a Rolling Stone t-shirt, pulling out a pair of white converse in the process. 

I trudged over to my bed again and began to lazily dress myself, taking very little care in my appearance; I would fix myself in the car before I saw Izzy. 

"You all right mate, you look tired" Liam asked, a frown etched on his face and a concerned look in his eye. 

"Yeah, fine. I just couldn't sleep last night" I mumbled in an attempt to end the conversation, I was in no mood to talk this morning. 

"Nightmares again?" he continued, taking no notice in my attempt to shut him up. 

I simply nodded. It was true, I did have another nightmare last night, not half as bad as some of the ones I have had but also talking to Izzy for hours, staring at a tiny phone screen made my eyes hurt, making them burn after a while. But I wouldn't tell Liam about Izzy, he didn't need to know. 

"Do you want to talk to me about it?" he asked

"No" I stated, my voice remaining in a monotone. 

He sighed and stood up from my bed. As he opened the door he turned back around to face me. 

"I will wait downstairs, hurry up or we are going to be late" he said before walking out into the hallway and closing my bedroom door behind him leaving me alone again, just the way I liked it.

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