Author's Note - New Fanfic has begun!

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Hi everyone!

So I don't know if anyone noticed but I have uploaded the prologue for my new fanfic and I will be uploading the first chapter later tonight!

It is called "Do You Trust Me?" and I am really looking foreward to wiriting it. As "Teach Me" was my first fanfic I was really inexperienced at writing but I feel this story had given me a really good understanding about the kind of language and style that gets a good response from the readers so I will be using that knowledge in my new story. 

Don't get me wrong I have been really enjoying writing "Teach Me" and reading some of your comments about how much you are enjoying it really makes me smile so thank you so much for that! But when I started the story I had very little idea about where I wanted it to go and what I wanted to happen so a lot of the stuff that happened was very random and out of the blue. However for the next fanfic I have a better plan of what I want to happen so hopefully the story will have more structure and a better layout!

So please read my new story if you want! I won't be uploading too many chapters to begin with because I want to finnish "Teach Me" before I get serious with the next story but I was so excited to start it I couldn't wait!

So I hope you enjoy the story and please let me know what you think!

Thanks for all the support my beautiful readers and I hope you liked the last chapter!

Loads of love!

-Steph xx <3 

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