Chapter 17

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*This is a short chapter, I'm sorry, I'm just over-run with homework and I'm not really in the mood to write.... I will make it up to you in the next chapter I promise! <3*

*Isabella's POV*

For the following week, I somehow managed to juggle work, my pushy mother and Harry's endless string of text messages, all while trying to look for University course that appealed to me (or would at least accept me). 

Since Harry and I talked and agreed that we would be friends and make an effort to not ditch each other or get angry we have been growing gradually closer. Of course I know little to nothing about his past and certain topics he is very secretive on, such as his family, previous relationships, future relationships, why he moved to London and where he keeps disappearing off to on Thursday morning, returning to the Cafe mid-afternoon, usually in a foul mood. He would usually reply with "I was just visiting someone" and when I would ask why he was in such a bad mood he would simply say "I don't like the person very much". However it would take very little to snap him out of it, usually a cup of tea and a free cupcake will have him laughing and joking again. 

As I lay face down on my bed, my laptop balanced in from of me and my head rested on my intertwined fingers, I became aware of my phone beeping from my bedside table signalling that I had a message. I groaned as I lifted myself up from my bed, my aching muscles screaming in protest. I snatched my phones off of the counter and unlocked it and unsurprisingly it was another message from Harry.

Harry:  Izzzzzzzzzzyyyyyyyyy! Talk to me, I'm so bored and I want to taaalllllkkkk!!! xx

It read. I smiled at the message, imagining his saying it in his winy, childish voice while leaning towards me and nuzzling his head in the crook of my neck, the same way he does when he wants attention. I giggled at the thought of his curls tickling me before typing my reply. 

MeHarrrrryyyyy! You are the one that said you needed to go out and that you couldn't talk for a while

HarryBut I'm back now and I want to taaaalllllk! :( 

MeWell then let's talk

HarryYaaaaay! Ok! So what are you up to xx

MeWell I just got home from work, I am looking at University courses at King's College and then I am going to order pizza and watch Friends re-runs until I fall asleep

Harryooooooh well aren't you a party animal! I was expecting something more like going out, getting crazy drunk, having crazy animal sex with about 8 different guys (possible a threesome) and then waking up in a dumpster with a kebab in your hand and some random guys underwear on your head. 

Mewhat the actual fuck?! When have you ever heard of the happening? 

Harryhahahahahaha! It’s more common than you think, it actually happened to a friend of mine, only he was a guy and he woke up in a bin rather than a dumpster. It was very entertaining. 

MeI can imagine he also woke up with a thong on his head instead of guy's underwear as well right?

Harry: oh no, he still woke up with boxers on his head. He doesn't like to talk about it hahahaha

MeOMG HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I want to meet this guy! He sounds like loads of fun! And sadly no, I won't be doing anything like that, sadly I do very little on my Friday nights other than eat and watch crappy TV

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