Chapter 28

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*Isabella's POV*

"Harry this is Niall, Niall, Harry" I explained, gesturing to each of them in turn.

"Yeah that's great but it still doesn't explain what he is doing here" Harry said, pushing himself off of the counter and standing taller, in a manner that I suppose was meant to be intimidating and by the look on Niall face, it was working.

"Well I met Niall a few weeks ago when I was heading back from the cinema and we got to talking and... here he is" I said, again gesturing towards Niall.

Niall waved slightly and mumbled a "hello" before looking back at his feet under Harry's harsh gaze. I giggled at his shyness and looked back at Harry.

"Well are you going to say hello?" I asked, sounding like a mother trying to make her son be friends with the neighbour’s kid.

"Hello" Harry grumbled, offering Niall his hand for what I can only assume was my benefit. They exchanged a brief handshake before pulling away and both stuffing their hands in their pockets. I sighed and turned towards Niall.

 "So what's up Niall?"

"Well I texted you last night and you didn't reply so I thought I would stop by and see if you were alright" he said, wringing his hands nervously between one another. "If I knew you had company then I wouldn't have come, I'm sorry for interrupting Izzy... I can go if you want" he said.

"No stay, I haven't spoken to you for a few days, it would be nice to catch up. I'm nearly finished my shift for the day actually" I said, heading to wash my hands and rid them of the flour that was marking them.

"Really? Great, we could go out and do something then if you want, do you want to go to the cinema or something?" he asked, perking up slightly at the thought of spending time together.

"Yeah that sounds nice" I said, drying my hands on the dish cloth.

The sound of a throat clearing from behind me pulled the both of us out of our little chat. I turned to see Harry looking at me with furrowed eyebrows and a look in his gorgeous green eyes that I can only describe as upset.

"But I thought we were going out tonight..." he said, his voice sounding less threatening than it had been when he was speaking to Niall and his posture far less aggressive with his shoulders slumped and hands hanging loosely by his sides. Shit I completely forgot. What do I do now? Before I could formulate an answer Niall beat me to it.

"Well we could all hang out together if you want" Niall suggested, clearly trying to make an effort for my sake, unlike Harry.

After what seemed like an age, Harry slowly nodded his head.


We waved Niall goodbye as he trotted up the stairs to his flat, his hands stuffed deep in his pockets and chin nuzzled into his jacket to shelter himself from the cold. Once he reached the door he turned and yelled a goodbye which I quickly returned before he disappeared into the warm confines of his home. As I turned around I was met with a rather sour faced Harry, his eyebrows furrowed as he examined me.

"What?" I asked.

"Do you like him?" he asked, leaning back in the seat with one hand rested on the steering wheel.

"He's nice yeah..." he cut me off.

"No do you LIKE him. Do you want to date him and marry him and have babies with him?" he asked and I nearly choked on my saliva.

"Ew Harry no! He is nice and very sweet but I defiantly don't like him like that!" I said, the heat rushing to my cheeks as his intense stare didn't waver.

"I think he likes you. I can see the way he looks at you. He keeps checking you out and I don't like it Izzy. He looks at you like you are a piece of meat and I will not have his grotty little Irish hands roaming your body like some animal" he said. I hadn't realised we were driving until we came to an abrupt stop at a set of traffic lights. Harry's knuckles where white against the steering wheel and his jaw was clenched.

"I don't know what you're talking about Harry" I said, sighing as I slumped in my seat and gazing out of the window.

"Don't you? Tell me Izzy has be ever made any attempt or even hinted at the fact that he might like you?" he asked. I thought for a moment before answering.

"He called me gorgeous the other day" I said, looking back at Harry. I didn't think it was possible but Harry was gripping the steering wheel even tighter, pure anger in his eyes as he pulled up into the car park of my apartment building.

He stopped the car and took the keys out of the ignition before speaking again.

"When did he call you gorgeous?" he asked, trying to keep his voice level but the anger caused it to waver slightly.

"The other day he stopped by the Cafe and we were talking on my break and he said he thought I was gorgeous" I said, blushing at the memory of the first time any boy had ever said such a thing to me.

"IS THAT ALL IT TAKES?" Harry yelled, startling me so much that I jumped back and hit my head off of the car door.

"IS THAT ALL IT TAKES TO MAKE YOU ALL GOOGLY EYED AND BLUSHING? ALL THIS TIME I HAVE ONLY HAD TO SAY YOU WERE GORGEOUS? WELL FUCK SAKE THEN IZZY YOU ARE FUCKING GORGEOUS! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL AND AMAZING AND... well... GORGEOUS!" Harry yelled. The air caught in my throat and my eyes widened. I was at a loss for words. I knew that ever since Harry had told me about his past with Ava a few weeks ago we had been growing closer, I was honoured that he had trusted me with something that he had only ever shared with his family and Liam and I think he was beginning to feel that he could finally open up to me. He would tell me stories about his childhood, times he had spent with Ava and the future he saw with her and I, in turn, would tell him about my family, about my mother and childhood. It was fair to say that his past was far more interesting than mine.

Harry was looking at me with an unreadable emotion in his eye, chewing on his bottom lip nervously. I fumbled for a few moments before muttering a quick "I have to go" before hopping out of the car, powerwalking to the building and running to my apartment without looking back. I slammed the door and locked it. My breathing was fast and my heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest, but not because of the little amount of exercise my body had been subjected to, but because he said I was gorgeous. He told me I was beautiful and gorgeous and God I wanted to do a little jump for joy.

I giggled to myself and skipped to the sofa, throwing myself down on the soft material and staring at the ceiling, letting out a satisfied sigh in the process.

Moments later my phone buzzed from my pocket, showing me a message that did in fact make me jump for joy:

From Harry: You're perfect Izzy xx


Hope you enjoyed!

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-Steph xx <3 

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