Chapter 24

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*5 votes and 3 comments for next chapter*

*Isabella's POV*

"It's just a sprain, no harm done" I said as I walked back into the waiting room where Niall had been waiting for me. He looked up and smiled, a look of relief washing over his face. 

"Thank God! I was worried I had broken your wrist!" he exclaimed as he jumped up from his chair and walked over to me and standing closer than was necessary, but trust me I am no complaining! He smells AMAZING! Stop it Izzy! If he could read your mind he would be beyond creeped out! But then again maybe I would be creeped out if he could read my mind I mean who does that! STOP IT AND LISTEN TO THE ANGEL TALK! I screamed mentally. 

As I look back at Niall I see him looking at my bandaged wrist. 

"I really am sorry Izzy" he said, looking back up to my face sadly. I smiled at how caring he is before gently nudging him with my shoulder.

"Its fine Niall honestly, I'm fine! To be honest you have gotten me out of working in the Cafe for a few days" I said, genuinely grateful for that. I don't think I will be able to go into the building without thinking of Harry and at the moment I was beyond mad at him. I think if I saw him I would lose it. Niall smiled as we excited the hospital, both of us pulling our jackets tighter around our body as the freezing night air whipped around us.

"Do you want a lift home?" he asked.

"Yes please" I said, wanting to spend as much time with him as I possibly could. He smiled, almost as if he was relieved that I had accepted, and led me to his car once again. He opened the door for me and offered me his hand to help me in. I gladly took it before attempting (and failing) to slip gracefully into the car. I have decided that I cannot do anything gracefully. I am just not graceful by nature, you see these women who just can do everything with such poise and elegance and then there's me, an unorganised, uncoordinated, teenager who somehow manages to trip over air. I was pulled out of my daydreams by a thick Irish accent.

"Where is your house?" he asked.

"Oh... right sorry" I stuttered as I began pointing him in the direction of my apartment block, both of us sharing jokes and funny stories on the way. Before long we were pulling into the parking lot, both of us wiping the tears out of our eyes as we tried to stifle our laughter.

"Thanks so much Niall, I had a really good time, even if you did sprain my wrist" I giggled as he flashed me a cheeky smile.

"I'm glad! I had fun too. Can I get your number cause I would really like to see you again" he said, offering me his phone. I smiled and nodded gladly, handing him my phone in return. After exchanging numbers I thanked him once again before hopping out of the car and waving to him. I watched his car disappear around the corner before I went inside.


*3 weeks later*

From Niall: Izzy Izzy Izzzzzzzzzy!

I groaned and rolled over, grabbing my phone from the side table, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes in the process.

To Niall: Niall you know better than to wake me up before 10.30 on a Saturday

From Niall: I know but I wanted to talk to my baby <3 xx

To Niall: Awwww that's really cute but it doesn't detract from the fact that it is only 9 and you woke me up

From Niall: but now that you are up we can talk ;)

To Niall: fine then let’s talk xx

From Niall: OK great! Soooooo...... what ya doin? xx

I laughed and was about to answer before I was rudely interrupted by my doorbell ringing arrogantly through my flat. I sighed and sent a quick text to Niall.

To Niall: Sorry Niall there is someone at the door! I will text you in a bit xx

From Niall: Okay baby speak later xx <3

I smiled and pulled myself lazily out of bed. As I trudged to the front door the bell rang again.

"I'M COMING!" I yelled angrily. What could I say, I wasn't a morning person. I quickly unlocked the door and pulled it open. There he was, standing quietly in the doorway, shoulders slumped, head bowed and his feet shifting nervously from side to side. As soon as he heard the door open his head shot up and his beautiful green eyes met mine.

"Hi" he whispered.


Hey guys! So I hope you liked the chapter. Sorry it took me a while to update but I have been really busy!

Anyway so I was hoping for 5 votes and 3 comments for the next chapter so get going my friends.


Anyway enough about me! Let me know what you think and thanks for all the support!

Loads of love

- Steph xx <3 

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