Chapter 7

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*Isabella's POV*

I watched as he left the Cafe, a sense of urgency in the way he walked. As soon as he was outside I saw him pause on the street and close his eyes as he stands there, the cold English breeze whipping through his beautifully curly hair. As I watched him, I couldn't resist the urge to run my fingers through his hair. Wait what? Why would I want to do that, I had just yelled at him and called him a, and I quote, "Perverted creep". I did feel slightly bad about that. It was slightly harsh, after all he had never actually made any kind of weird comment or some kind of sexual advance on me, he just came and sat and watched me.... which sounds weird when I say it like that but in reality it wasn't. It was actually kind of flattering to have someone that hot taking some kind of notice of me.

I looked out the window again and saw that the boy had taken a seat on one of the benches outside the Cafe and had placed his head in his hands. I immediately felt guilty and decided that I would go out and apologise for my little outburst.  

I sighed and went over to Olivia. 

"Olivia I'm just going outside for a moment to get some fresh air. I've got a headache" I said. 

"OK, no problem, I hope you feel better" she said absentmindedly while continuing to charge a customers for a muffin (which I must admit looks absolutely delicious) and a coffee to go. 

I nodded and headed towards the door, praying that the boy was still sitting there. Luckily he was and I awkwardly sat in the space next to him, saying nothing and watching the crowds of people make their way through the streets. From the corner of my eye I see him glance at me before sighing slightly and leaning back in his seat before folding his arms across his chest.

I cleared my throat nervously and fidgeted slightly before saying something. "Erm... listen I'm sorry for snapping at you, I didn't mean what I said. I was just annoyed because you have been coming here for the past three days and just sitting there staring at me and not saying anything and being kind of awkward and I just lost it cause I felt uncomfortable and... Shit sorry for rambling, I'll shut up now..." I stuttered before shutting myself up and blushing at my awkwardness. 

I sat for a few seconds, expecting him to come out with a reply along the lines of "what the hell is wrong with you, get away from me!" but luckily he didn't say that, instead he began to laugh, loudly I might add. 

After a good 5 minutes of him laughing at me and me slightly giggling along at the joyful noise, he managed to compose himself and turned to me. 

"It's fine, don't worry about it. I know I have been acting slightly strange, I am normal I promise. Not some perverted creep" he said with a slight smirk playing on his lips, eyebrows raised and gorgeous green eyes staring back at me. 

"Sorry" I mumbled and looked away so that he couldn't see the embarrassed look on my face. 

"Don't worry about it, to be honest I probably would have acted in the same way if a stranger came to my work and stared at me all day. Although I feel like I should explain myself," he said before turning slightly so that he was facing me more. I did the same so that I was now looking at him as well, “so basically when I came into the Cafe on Monday and I saw you there, you really reminded me of my... someone, I mean you look exactly like her and it just kind of, freaked me out. Which is why I ran, it wasn't anything you did, I just kind of, panicked. So anyway, the person you reminded me of was, very special to me and seeing you and reminding me of her just made me want to come back again and again because seeing you there just made it feel like she was still with me and that's the only reason I kept coming here and staring at you all day and I haven't been out like this for a very long time, and I'm sorry... and now I'm the one that's rambling" he said and laughed at himself before glancing absentmindedly back across the street and into Hyde Park. 

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