Chapter 12

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*Isabella's POV*

"Fuck Harry Styles! Fuck him! That bastard! Who fucking needs men anyway! I'm going to become nun!" I rambled, pacing back and forth in my living room, Louis' eyes following me as if he was watching a tennis match, an amused smile gracing his features. 

"I’m going to become a nun and live in a nunnery, away from men and work and responsibilities! Fuck it!" I said, turning on my heel and walking back the way I had come. 

"You do realise if you become a nun you won’t be able to eat pizza" Louis said while leaning back on the couch and folding his arms across his chest, a smirk dancing at the corner of his lips. 

"What? Yes I will" I said, as I stopped pacing and turn to face him, folding my arms in the same way as him. 

"No you won't, Nun's don't eat spicy food so your pepperoni pizza is out the window, secondly most of them are vegetation so you won't be able to have a meat lovers special and finally all dairy products are restricted so you can't even have cheese on your pizza. Basically I can give you some dough with some tomato puree on it" Louis said and his smirk immediately blossomed into a smug smile, he knew I couldn't live without pizza; life without pizza wasn't worth living. 

"Damn you" I grumbled before collapsing on the sofa next to him. 

"So what's plan B" he asked. 

"Don't have one, becoming a nun was the only solution I came up with while I was walking home" I sighed and leaned my head on his shoulder, nuzzling closer to him once he wrapped his arms around me, told you I was a cuddler. 

"So what exactly happened? All you told me what that you said something and he freaked out and left" Louis said, running his hand up and down my bear arm in an effort to restore some warmth to my body. I had finally reached the apartment building around 15 minutes after Harry abandoned me, it wasn't too long and I thanked God he hadn't taken me to some fancy restaurant on the other side of the city. I probably would have caught hypothermia on the journey home. However despite this, I was completely soaked through and shivering when I did get back to the lobby, my cloths sticking to my body and my hair matted to my forehead. Louis had just finished his daily shift, he only worked until 2pm. on Saturdays so he was just leaving as I arrived and kindly offered to look after me for a bit, not before threatening to chop Harry's balls off of course. Gotta love this boy.

"Well basically we were just lying on the grass in Hyde Park talking and getting to know each other better and he asked me some questions about why I was working at the Cafe and what I wanted to study at Uni and stuff. And I thought as we were asking each other questions I would use mine to find out about this girl he kept hinting at..."

"What girl?" Louis asked.

"I don't know, that's what I was trying to find out. When I first talked to him he said that the reason he had been coming to the Cafe and staring at me was because I reminded him of some girl that he used to know and I could tell by the way he was talking about her that there was some emotional attachment between them but I think something must have happened in the relationship, maybe she cheated on him or something. Anyway, since then he had kind  of hinted at her but never actually told me about her and I was a bit annoyed because he seemed to know a lot about me and I hardly knew anything about him, any time I asked him about his personal life he would deter the question and ask me something else. So I thought I would try and find out about her and stuff so I asked him who she ways and then he went all freaky and left me" I rambled, taking a big deep breath once I had finished. 

Louis stayed quiet for a moment before speaking, "That dick, I swear if I see him around here again I'm gonna kill him! What kind of man leaves a girl alone in the middle of London no less, while it's raining?!" He fumed, his hand ceasing its movement up and down my arm and immediately I lost the comfort it provided. 

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