Chapter 18

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 *Harry's POV*   

I kept my head low, watching each step I took and trying to ignore the darkness around me. If I looked up, the blackness would envelope me, swallowing me whole with no remorse.

My shoes scraped along the floor, my body too tired to lift my feet. The air was thick, suffocating almost and an unpleasant smell lingered around me. It was an unusual smell and no mattered how hard I tried I could not pin point what it was. 

As I continued to walk I became aware of a faint breeze whipping around my body, tickling the hair at my neck and causing goose bumps to rise on my skin but that wasn't because of the cold, it was because of the voice the wind carried with it. 

"Harry" is whispered, dragging out the sound. 

"Harry" is repeated, slightly louder this time, as if the person it belonged to was getting closer. 

"HARRY!" It yelled and before I could respond, the figure of the most beautiful girl I have ever seen appeared in front of me, arms folded across her chest and cold eyes staring back into mine.

"Ava" I breathed, taking a step towards my love but as I did so she took a step away.

"Ava" I repeated, reaching out for her, a confused look on my face.

She looked at me before turning and walking away, hands stuffed deep in her pockets and head bowed low. I began to run after her but with each stride I seemed to get further away rather than closer to her. I began screaming her name, forcing my legs to continue in their desperate attempt to reach the girl I love but making no progress.

As Ava continued to walk away from me I became aware of a light approaching her, a bright white light speeding towards my girl. As it got closer I saw that it was not one light it was two, a pair of headlights. But she didn't seem to notice, she continued to walk, blissfully unaware of the danger screaming towards her.

I could feel myself begin to panic. I couldn't reach her, I couldn't push her out of the way, I couldn't jump in front of the car and sacrifice myself rather than have her killed.

"AVA LOOK OUT!" I screamed, my voice feeling hoarse. But it was too late. The car crashed straight into her, sending her body soaring sky high. I watched her being thrown like a rag doll as she hit the floor with a gut wrenching crunch. I could practically hear her breaking apart. 

The car sped off into the distance, its taillights disappearing into the darkness and finally I could feel myself moving, I could run towards her. 

And I did. I pushed my body towards the beautiful broken girl lying on the floor, her body lying in an unnatural position, hair flying out in all directions and blood oozing from her head and mouth. I bent down to touch her cold, lifeless body, moving a strand of hair away from her face and tucking it behind her ear. Tears poured from my eyes and my figure shook and a wave of sobs racked my body. 

Suddenly Ava began to cough and splutter, blood landing on my shirt but I didn't care. As she spoke her voice sounded broken and distant, not the angelic sound I was so used to. Her dead eyes looked into my own as she whispered:

"Why didn't you save me Harry? You could have saved me"

With that her body evaporated, leaving me clutching to her blood stained t-shirt. 

My body bolted upright, tears streaming down my face, and my throat dry from shouting. I clutched at my heart, trying to tame the erratic beating and calm myself down. A layer of sweat covered my skin, plastering my hair to my forehead.

I looked around my room, hoping desperately that I would look down and find Ava sleeping soundly beside me, soft breaths leaving her perfect lips but I was met with nothing but empty space. My breath caught in my throat as I came to the horrible realisation. I had lost her. I had lost her again. 

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