Chapter 40

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*Last chapter everyone*

5 years later 

*Isabella's POV*

"Stop! Harry stop it! Harry please!" I screamed as he pinned me to the sofa, his long fingers dancing up and down my sides as I squirmed beneath him. I kicked, squealed and tried to fight him off as best I could but it was no use, his manly giggle above me let me know that there was no way I was going to get him off until he felt I had suffered enough.

It took a few moments before he ended the torture and his body collapsed on top of mine, both of us a giggling mess. He propped himself up on his elbows so that his face was hovering a few inches above mine, his nose rubbing gently against my own and eyes looking deeply into one another's. I continued to laugh.

"Stop laughing" he smiled and placed his large hand over my mouth, smothering the sound that still threatened to escape between his ringed fingers. I stopped laughing and looked into his eyes, my tongue darting out of my mouth and onto his hand.

"Ewwwww" he wined and pulled his hand away, wiping it onto his black skinny jeans. I smiled at him and he returned the gesture along with a playful glare.

"That was mean" he mumbled, burying his face in the crook of my neck and taking a deep breath, inhaling my scent and wrapping his arms around me tightly.

"That's what you get for tickling me you dick" I said and he giggled into my neck. He knows I hate being tickled.

He hummed against my neck and pulled my body closer to his. I let my fingers run through his thick, luscious hair which he had been letting grow over the past few years. I now rested just above his shoulders and was slightly less curly, with a few wisps sticking out at the ends. In all honesty I preferred it when it is longer, it gave me more to hold on to when the nights became a bit steamier.

"I like it when you play with my hair" he mumbled as I wrapped a curl around my finger and tugged on it lightly to which he moaned. I laughed.

"Is that turning you on Mr Styles?" I asked playfully, pulling on the curl slightly harder. He moaned again and sat up to look into my eyes. He smirked and pressed his full lips gently against mine.

"I only have to look at you and I get turned on, Mrs Styles" he mumbled as his lips made a trail down my jaw and along my collarbone. I breathed deeply at his movements and let my head rest back against the arm of the chair, embracing the warmth his body offered. I shuddered when he began to suck lightly on a spot just below my ear.

As he continued his movements I took the opportunity to reminisce on the past 5 years. For the next few months after the initial meeting in the Cafe, Harry and his mum met up every Wednesday afternoon for coffee and a chat. It wasn't long before Harry was back to being the mummy's boy he had been as a child, calling her every day to catch up on the day's events and what was new in our quickly developing relationship. Around a year after Harry had asked me to be his girlfriend we moved into our own little flat on the other side of town. It was a quiet neighbourhood (well at least until we moved in) and around every corner there was a little market and a few high-end shops for whenever Harry wanted to treat me (which is always). A few months after the big move Harry got down on one knee and now, here we are. A happily married couple for 3 years and counting. Harry was working at a local company, managing accounts and meetings for some of the most important businessmen in the city while I on the other hand, managed to complete my gap year working at the cafe and had been accepted to UCL were I have been studying for 3 years. Liam is still living in the same flat but he isn't alone, his girlfriend Sophia has moved in and according to Harry, it isn't long before those two make a trip down the aisle as well. Louis on the other hand is now working in the London Hilton, one of the city's most prestige hotels and his pay isn't too shabby either. I haven't heard from or seen Niall since he admitted having an affair with Ava all those years ago.  

I was pulled from my thoughts by Harry lifting his head from my neck and looking back into my eyes. He smiled lightly and pressed his lips fleetingly to mine before rolling off me and standing on his own two feet. He straightened out his crumpled shirt before sitting on the coffee table in front of the sofa, I sat up so that I could see him better.

"You're so beautiful" he said, one of his hands cupping my left cheek and rubbing soothing circles with the pad of his thumb. I giggled and leaned my face closer to his hand. He smiled before retracting his hand and leaning his arms onto his legs, leaning closer to me so that once again our faces were only inches apart. I leaned closer to tease him and by the playful grin which erupted onto his lips, he defiantly noticed.

"You're not too bad to look at either" I said and he laughed.

"You know your sense of humour is one of the reason I fell in love with you" he said.

"That's interesting because your sense of humour is one of the reasons I fell in love with you" I said and he smiled once again.

"Mrs Styles would you care to join me on an outing?" Harry asked, leaping to his feet and offering me his hand, which I gladly accepted. He hauled me to my feet before giving me the opportunity to answer.

"Well that depends, where are you planning on taking me?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at the curly haired man. He smiled and pulled me towards the front door. I slipped on a pair of white high top converse, paired with my denim skinny jeans and white blouse. I slipped on my leather jacket and grabbed my handbag. Harry on the other hand threw on a worn pair of leather boots and a hoodie. His effortless style never failed to amaze me, he could literally wear a plastic bag and still look like a Greek God. 

"Do you fancy some coffee?" he asked and I immediately caught on to what he was hinting at. He was taking me back to the Cafe where it all began. I played along.

"Sure, where do you plan on going?" I said, the smile playing at the corner of my lips giving it away.

"I have an idea" he said before grabbing my hand, intertwining our fingers and pulling me out the door.   

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