Chapter 24

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Foils sat silently, 'wasn't there a third victim?' Marcus nodded, 'also, all of them were strung up like a scarecrow, that's his signature'.
Foils took a swig of his beer, 'there must be some sort of connection... Oh! What about her?' Marcus frowned, 'I guess it has been a few years now, she could be capable of doing all of this'.

'They could be working together'.

'That would make sense'.

'Did the other guy contact you?'

Foils nodded, 'they have the money, and a few diamonds as well', Marcus cocked an eyebrow at him, 'diamonds? Are they really going to give us diamonds?'

'Well, they are pretty'.

'I'll give that one to you'.

Foils was silent for a few moments and Marcus closed his eyes and sighed, 'okay, spit it out', Foils took another swig of his beer before placing the bottle down on the table.

'Do you think it was a bad idea to let him go? Scarecrow?'

Marcus placed his bottle next to Foils, 'look, we had no choice, he screwed up the information and he took too much of the share, we couldn't keep him with us'.

'So... Killing his wife was meant to keep his shit together?'

Marcus shook his head in disbelief, 'okay, we didn't do that, it was them, all them'.

'Well that sure as hell sent him over the edge, I mean remember that car chase?'

Marcus held his head in his hands, 'I didn't mean for that to happen', Foils placed his hand on Marcus's back awkwardly, 'I know... But he's back and I don't know what to do, we're not safe anymore'.
Suddenly Marcus's hand gripped Foil's leg, causing him to jump, 'we just need to be careful, be alert, try and have eyes in the back of our heads or something', Foil could sense the stress that seemed to radiate from him.

'We should be fine'.

Foils said as he went to get up, 'you finished your beer, I'll grab another one, unless you want a coffee or something, keep yourself awake', he tapped Marcus's shoulder before making his way into the kitchen, 'where do you keep the coffee?'

'Top draw on the left, in the metal canister'.

Foils turned the kettle on and grabbed a cup, 'there's two of us and one of him, we can handle -'. He tensed when he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder and he turned to face Marcus, 'are you okay?'
He looked down at him, only being a head lower, 'what's wrong?' He asked, but Marcus's eyes were clouded with something, something that he couldn't pick up until Marcus's hand went to rest on his cheek.

'Leo, give me a moment, just let me -'.

Foils cut off his sentence when he leaned down and kissed him, they kissed for a moment, but only a moment, and during it, Foils had closed his eyes and pushed his lips gently against Marcus's as if coaxing him for more. But then suddenly, Marcus shoves Foils back and the both of them stood stock still for at least a minute or two, 'this never happened', Marcus says slowly, and their eyes connected but Foils knew that he wanted more, but they couldn't, at least not now, 'two sugars by the way', Marcus quickly says before turning to leave the kitchen, leaving Foils alone.

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