Chapter 56

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Leo tightened his grip on his gun, 'who was that guy?' He asked and Marcus shrugged, 'beats me'.


He rolled his eyes, 'what? What now Leo?' He looked over for a moment to lock eyes with him, 'that guy... I don't think he means us any harm'.

'That's what we thought about him and look where we are now!?'

'He's a different person! This guy let us go!'.

'Well what the fuck are you saying!? What the hell do you want me to do!?'

They were silent for a few moments and then their eyes met once more. 

Baloc sped down the road as quickly as he could, his heart was racing. Storm was all alone with three mean and he wouldn't be able to make it without back up, he turned the radio on, 'where the fuck are you!? Are you there at the building!?'

'Negative, we got stopped by a crash, but we can see -'.

All hope drained from Baloc, 'shit!' He slammed the radio off and accelerated, he had to get to Storm quick before it was too late. 

Storm kicked out as hard as he could and his foot connected with Graves's stomach, his grip slipping from Storm's ankle. He managed to drag himself back off the bridge and get to his gun. When he reached it, he spun around and shot at the other opposite on the bridge and watched as Graves lost his footing. Everything seemed to be in slow motion as Graves toppled over the edge and fell below. The Bridge suddenly swung towards Storm, knocking the broken platform he was standing on, and Storm tried his best to grab a hold of one of the railings, but he was a minute too late as his hand missed it's target. The height wasn't as bad, but the landing still hurt, and Storm slowly got to his knees. Graves was lying next to the wreckage of what was left of half of the bridge. 
Storm slowly got to his feet and approached Graves, who hadn't budged. He got close enough to nudge him, and at that split second, he knew that it was a mistake. Graves had twisted his body and lashed out with a piece of rusted metal. It lodged straight into Storms leg, and Storm fell back in pain. The gun fell out of his hand once again and this time Graves was able to get a hold of it. Everything went silent as Graves stood above Storm, pointing the gun at him.

'I told you nearly everything, but it's enough for me to have a reason to kill you'. 

'You don't have to do this'.

Storm was scared, he knew he was no longer a child, but his life was on the line, 'this was all about diamonds?'

'You've got it, and also the fact that those two arseholes killed her'.

'So what? Were you kicked from his team?'

Graves shrugged, 'something like that, because I was accused of taking more of the shares'.

'But you hadn't taken all of the shares?'

'I actually did, I was just pissed that they cornered me'.

'You suffered the consequences'.

Graves shook his head, 'I didn't deserve it at all, it was just some diamonds', but Storm saw through him, 'it wasn't just diamonds to you, it meant much more and it angered you so much when they cut ties with you and took something that meant a lot to you as well'.

The gun clicked and Graves steadied his aim, 'bingo, I'll see you on the other -'.
There was a resounding bang and Graves fell to the side, the gun falling from his hand, and Storm lunged forward and caught it before it could hit the ground. He looked over to where the bullet came from and he was hoping to see Baloc.
Marcus stepped out, his hand held the smoking gun. Leo emerged from behind him. Graves was not dead, but he was injured, Marcus had shot his hand. Marcus Humphrey had saved him. 

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