Chapter 9

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Patrica Malloy, such a pretty name for such a pretty girl. The next victim for his sick ritual, he watched closely as the young woman shifted through the papers. He'd kept a close eye on her for a while after he had disposed of the other two, and so far, the FBI had caught up to him. He rubbed his sweaty palms together and walked slowly through the isles of books. The library was a quiet place, and your footsteps could be heard in every corner of the room, he couldn't get her in her, no, he'd have to get her outside, or just wait for her. Waiting might be the best way because if he rushed it, then he might make a mistake.


The television was blaring in the background, but Storm paid no heed to it. Moving the fork around in his dinner, he focused on the fact that he was alone once again like all the other nights of being single. He had even refused the invite to dinner over at Baloc's because he knew that there had to be some kind of rekindling with Deacon, and Storm knew that he'd just get in the way. His eyes finally flicked to the screen, seeing the news lady dressed in red and her pale face was contrast with bright pink lipstick. They were meant to make her look pretty, but they did quite the opposite. Another robbery, some billionaire selling their place at yet another painful price, nothing else that caught Storm's eyes. He hated to admit, but he keeping an eye and ear out for another body to show up.
Suddenly his phone went off and Storm jumped and dropping his fork at the same time, who the hell is calling at this time? He looked at the number, not one that he could remember but he answered anyway.




'It's me, Rachel'.

Storm sat up quickly, his interest piqued, but he was also worried, why was she calling? 'Is everything alright?' He asked quickly, but she didn't sound stressed, 'I was just seeing how you were, that's all'.

'Rachel, you know this isn't the right thing to do'.

Storm hears her sigh, 'yes, I know but... I missed you', he felt like shutting the phone off, this isn't happening, this can't be happening. 

'I'm fine, just a little tired,  might go to bed soon'.

'I'm sorry Storm'.

Her voice was gentle, which pissed him off, she doesn't care, 'for what?' He was going to get more out of her, to clarify that she really didn't care.

'For what happened back in high school, I shouldn't have done that'.

'It's done and dusted Rachel, and we can't do anything about it... You can't do anything about it'.

He was making it clear that he wasn't interested in her apology, not when it took so long, she could've spoken to him years ago, but no, it only took years and a death of her own daughter, for her to talk to him. It was too late.

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