The Future I Desire

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The vast sea expanded beyond the horizon. She inhaled the salty air as it flew along the silent, tranquil breeze. Her feet wiggled in the scratchy sand as it was moistened by the waves of the ocean. Her eyes aimed at the sky that hovered over her own tiny world. The pink clouds swarmed across the blue to orange gradient.

She could not resist the urge to beam and relinquish. It was a wonderful time to cherish the scenery, but her face grimaced. Her brows furled themselves. Something was off. Her head tilts to what was adjacent to her; there was nothing. Where was that person she could saunter on the shore with, the person she could carry out an embrace that lasted a bit long, the person that could make her smile, where was the person that could keep her company?

Her cheek was met with a wet droplet. She collapsed on the ground hugging herself. Her heart yearned for someone to be with. She couldn't deny her own feelings. I want to experience my future with someone, but no one will approach me. If only they were here. Then, her eye caught a glimpse of something peculiar. A hand was desperately bailing itself against the harsh waves. Splashes skyrocketed in the air. They were about to drown.

The girl's breath became uneven, and her heart's beat accelerated to the point that it pounded against her chest. Suddenly, a thousand voices echoed themselves to her.

I'll do anything to save them even if it means sacrificing my own salvation.
Indah shot awake on her bed, and her pillow was soaked with tears. She panted as unease crawled in her mind. She frantically shook her head observing her familiar surroundings. "Another dream." The girl muttered.

"Are you okay, Indah? I heard you cry." Omar spoke as he stood next to her.

"I don't even know anymore." Indah sighed. "I keep getting these ominous feelings. It's as if something eventful is going to happen."

Omar averted his gaze to the wall with a concerned look. "I'd offer you to go on a walk. It always helps me cool down, but, considering the situation we're in, we can't go outside. Would you like to visit the terrace?"

"No, we shouldn't. People may start to suspect that we know things they don't." She answered.

Taking his time to ponder, Omar was still for a moment. Then, he opened his mouth to brew words. "Miscommunication is pretty bad though. If we all work together, then we can accomplish something massive. Besides, Mikah and Ezra already discovered the secret room and told everyone about it. Is it really suspicious to be inspecting an area that everyone else is already investigating?"

"...I guess we could go to the terrace. But still, some things are meant to be kept behind a latch. If the information gets into the wrong hands, who knows what could happen." Indah rubbed at her temple, worried.

Hands intertwined, they trot toward the elevator around the corner outside of their room. As the elevator raced the the floor, Omar hummed to the tune emitting from the machine.

"I don't think I ever payed attention to the music before." She remarks as her ears perk up. "Did the elevator always have this music?"

"I don't know, but I like it." Omar shrugged before we went back to singing along with the song 'Karma Chameleon'.

"I see you like the new improvements!" The speaker whirred. "I've made a couple of renovations to the household while most of you were asleep. I unfortunately had to knock out Kim-ly with the shotgun I had. Don't worry, she's alive."

"You shot her?" Omar's eyes widened.

"What? No, course not. Don't you know how to use a gun? I obviously hit her with it." They replied in a monotone voice.

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