Sullied Grace

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Mikah darted toward the assailant with their slim fingers wrapped around a slab of birch. They did not study who was being attacked by who. All they thought was to prevent another person from getting slaughtered. They rose the plank to the ceiling and forcefully swung it to the attacker's head. Unfortunately, the culprit noticed and parried the attempted thrash with the edge of their blade. Mikah tightened their grip on their flimsy weapon to prevent it from being flung to the other side of the hall. Desiring to not get slashed, the two pressed their weaponry together. However, the culprit was stronger than them, and they pushed them to the floor, causing Mikah to drop their panel. The murderer did not give them a moment to react and plunged the cleaver into their abdomen. The other was close to the board, though, so they snatched it and striked them on the noggin. Because it was thin and weak, it snapped on impact without inflicting any damage. The most it had done was scraping their skin with its splintery texture. The slayer took this chance to use their free hand to pin their opponent to the ground, and they aimed for Mikah's throat. Mikah threw their limb in front of their neck, making the culprit stab their arm instead. To disarm them, the one in the beanie used their other hand to seize their knife. They successfully stole the knife from them, but at the cost of gashing their right palm.

"Damnit... I'm losing a lotta blood." Mikah grunted.

The ambusher had not relinquished yet, for they took the picture on the coffee table nearby. They smashed it to the ground and obtained the largest and sharpest fragment of glass from it. Mikah had stood up from the mahogany flooring and held their wound that festered a massive amount of blood. The two of them lunged at each other with their honed objects. The killer made the first move and pushed the shard deep into Mikah's chest. After stabbing them, they pulled it out so they would still have a weapon. Mikah grunted in agony, yet they did not stop to rest for evident reasons. As their fluids stained the carpets, they used the knife they stole to slash the murderer's face. They avoided a severe injury, but they had not escaped unscathed. The blade Mikah held had grazed the side of their cheek.

"I need..." The culprit muttered under their breath. They paused mid sentence to catch their breath. "To retreat..."

Mikah's foe had turned heel and sprinted to the nearest exit. It was odd that they did not use the path they already had available to them, which was the vent that lead to the third floor. Lieu, they headed toward the window Mikah had broken a few days ago.

Caught off guard by their sudden decision, Mikah opened their mouth to scream out the words. "WHAT THE FUCK!?"

They had leaped out of the window. No other contestants had discovered if there was anything else on the building's exterior other than the window on the floor they were currently on. As much as I'd like to chase after them, I'm not stupid enough to jump out a fucking window. I have someone I need to save, anyway. Mikah crouched beside the victim, they were still breathing, fortunately. Now that Mikah was closer to them, they could tell who was attacked.

"Holy shit, you got fucking eviscerated!" Mikah could feel their own hands tremble as they examined the wound Ezra had received.

Ezra looked like they were stifling a cry. "I think you got it worse. You're losing a lot more blood than I am. How are you still standing?"

"Let's save that conservation for later." Mikah supported Ezra by letting them put their arm over their shoulder, and Ezra let Mikah do the same.

Together, they walked to the nearest bathroom, specifically Vinny's. The door to the restroom was already open, for no one had bothered to close it. Ezra flinched when they saw a familiar person with brown hair slumped against the wall. Ezra was immensely panicked, but they did not drop Mikah to go help the other. Ezra turned to Mikah and whispered with tensed muscles. "Is he dead?"

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