Ch. 3: Pitchers (Part 5)

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Alexia stretched her arms over her head and cracked her neck. She was getting tired of leaning over the table and when Miyuki rolled his shoulders back and sighed, she was certain he was too. She glanced over to the clock on her desk and saw that it read 8:07 pm. She turned back to Miyuki who was now leaning back on his hands. "How many of them did you go over?"

He smirked. "Just finished the last one. You made a few mistakes, but overall, you didn't do bad."

"Let me see," Alexia said as she held her hand out for the papers. Miyuki obliged and handed the stack of quizzes to her. She smirked to herself. He had marked them at the top with a score the same way a teacher would. "Nice touch." She heard Miyuki hum and was certain that he was smirking. She flipped through the papers. 100. 100. 98. 100. 80. 100.

She snorted. "Not bad my ass. My average grade is a 96. And I figured this quiz would be my worst," she said, tapping the paper. "Mind helping me fix me mistakes?"

"I thought you said that you wanted to fix them yourself?"

Alexia rolled her eyes. "I mean, I'll say what I think the correct answer is and you tell me yes or no or I'll just think aloud. "

"Alright, fine by me," Miyuki shrugged. Alexia started with the quiz she had only missed one question on. She got the correct answer with just a slight hint from him and then moved on to the paper that she received an 80 from Miyuki-sensei.

After she struggled her way through that paper, she leaned back and sighed. "Thank fuck that is over," she growled. "I've never been good at history. It just doesn't stick."

Miyuki raised his eyebrows at her as he crossed his arms on the table. "Really? For someone who had to teach themselves five years of history classes, I'd say a 96% is fairly good."

She waved him off. "I might have done that, but my brain is dead." She licked her lips. "Before we start Modern Lit, I'm going to get a drink. What do you want?"

Miyuki cocked one eyebrow. "Who said I wanted anything?"

"Oh please," Alexia rolled her eyes. "I've had enough study sessions with my teammates to know that a drink is always appreciated, you just don't want to ask for one."

He chuckled at that. She was right. "Fair enough. I'll take a coffee then. Black." He started to reach into his pocket for his wallet before remembering that he had left it in his room.

"Don't bother," Alexia told him before he could say he'd pay her back. "This is my treat for helping me with my work." She stood up and grabbed her own wallet from on top of her desk. "I'll be right back."

"You're leaving me alone in your room?" Miyuki asked, a teasing tone to his voice.

Alexia rolled her eyes again. "Yes, seeing as how you and Mochi helped me put everything away, there's not much you haven't seen."

"And no comment about me drinking coffee this late? Or having it black?" Miyuki was genuinely curious at this and Alexia noticed. She supposed that he had been teased several times for drinking it bitter, she certainly had, and while the time was a bit weird, she wasn't innocent of that one either.

She held her hands up innocently. "Hey, if you want to be up all night, then that's on you. And I drink my coffee black, too. I can't stand flavored or sweetened coffee."

"Hey, I'm not alone," Miyuki joked. Alexia smirked and turned to leave, telling him she'd be right back as she closed the door behind her.

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