Ch. 11: Getting Serious (Part 5)

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"You're volunteering to pitch for batting practice?" Rei said as she nudged her glasses up her nose.

Alexia nodded. "Actually yesterday Mochi-san asked me if I would pitch to him, so I figured that I might as well do it for the others too." She held one hand behind her back as she waited for the coach's reply.

"Alright. I'll add you to the practice for the rest of the week," he said calmly, earning a sideways glance from the woman.

The girl smiled and gave a brief bow. "Thank you, Sir." With that she turned and jogged to where the other pitchers were lined up behind the pitching screens.

"It seems like she's getting along well with the team, especially the first string. And she's taking initiative," Rei said, watching the girl intently. "She's certainly got the making of a pitcher."

The coach was silent, watching as the girl threw a few warm-up pitches to a reserve catcher. His voice was steady as he spoke. "She's too headstrong of a player. It's one thing to be confidant and decisive, it's another to completely take over on the field. Even if she does have the mind of a catcher, she should still listen to her partner's calls." A beat. "Has her old school given you anymore of her records?"

Rei pressed her lips thin. "I've managed to find out that the school's team should have been disbanded the year she joined, but she managed to convince the school to keep it one more year. After they made nationals, the team was allowed to stay until she graduated. Their coach also quit a couple months in, so Alexia was given authority as coach, which initially caused issues with the high school baseball governing body, but they relented and allowed her to keep her position as both coach and player." She paused and cleared her throat. "Every time I've reached out, they've been hesitant to reply. I don't think they'll be giving us anymore information about how she preformed at their school."

"Her record is impressive even with what little we know. However, she'll still have to prove herself here on this field," the coach stated, his eyes still locked onto the girl. A pin-prick sensation settled at the bottom of his spine, a feeling which he had grown accustomed to ever since Alexia had introduced herself to the team. It was notably different from the initial confusion and interest he had felt upon hearing that her school had refused to hand over her records from the baseball team. It was also distinguishable from the intrigue brought on by her introduction to the team. It was unsettling yet oddly familiar. Whatever, it was, it poked at his subconscious as he watched the girl warm up with Kariba. Her unique behavior and personality both irritated and amused him. She, as a player, was a mystery he hoped to unravel as well.

"Kataoka-san," Rei called, snapping him from his thoughts.

"What is it?"

Rei chose to ignore his uncharacteristic distractedness, fully understanding the magnetic pull Alexia possessed. "Would you like me to continue trying to find more records from her games? Maybe about her pitches or playing time?"

"No," he decided. "From here on, we'll judge her based solely on her performance here. Whatever reason her school has for hiding her records, it is not our business."

"I understand, Sir."



The sound of metal meeting leather rang through the field. The ball flew deep into right field, causing the annoying hiss to grow louder in the back of Alexia's mind.

"Good hit," she forced out through a smile. The batter, a first year, smiled and nodded back. The brunette retook his stance and Kariba lifted his mitt. Swallowing down her annoyance, she delivered a pitch that drifted to the left. Another ball flew right. "You're pretty good against fastballs, Tojo-kun."

The boy faltered slightly, surprised by the use of his first name. "Thanks, Miya-san, but I still have a long way to go," he replied politely.

"Oi, Alex-chan. I thought you said you'd pitch to me," Kuramochi called out as he approached, helmet under one arm and bat over the other.

Miyuki strolled over, close behind. "You also said I could catch. I've been wanting to see if Fable and Luke were exaggerating or not."

Alexia laughed. "You know, jealousy doesn't look good on anyone." With a nod towards Tojo and Kariba, she added, "Sorry, but do you guys mind? I did promise that I'd pitch to those two."

"Oh of course," Tojo agreed quickly. "Actually, if you don't mind Kuramochi-san, I'd like to watch. I think I could learn a lot."

He visibly straightened. "Sure, I don't mind."

Miyuki turned to Kariba. "You should watch too. Miya-chan has excellent control, over her breaking pitches, too. It'd be beneficial for you to see what it's like."

Kariba hesitated. From catching for her, he could tell that he control was good, but it didn't measure up to what Miyuki was saying. But who was he to argue with the starting catcher? "Alright."

Alexia felt the buzz grow stronger as Miyuki and Kuramochi took their spots. She cleared her throat. "Hey, if it's alright, I'd like to take this a bit more seriously."

All four turned to her, two looking confused, one interested, and one smirking. Miyuki felt excitement take hold as he asked, "So basically, you want to try and strike him out?" She nodded, noticing the way his eyes brightened at the thought. The buzzing faded ever so slightly.

"Kyahahaha! Sounds fun, but it's not going to be that easy!" Kuramochi exclaimed, boisterous laughter filling the air.

Alexia smiled brightly, the thought of the challenge electrifying her eyes, dispersing most of her anxious energy that Miyuki had noticed. Her shoulders relaxed and usual air of authority returned. He hadn't been able to catch for her since the first time and now he was excited to test her abilities for himself. "If we're taking this seriously, why don't we figure out signs?"

Her smile grew.

"You guys had better not hold back!" Kuramochi said as Miyuki went to meet Alexia behind the screen.

"So," Miyuki drew out, caramel trapped by bright violet, "what pitches do you want to use?" He leaned back and casually rested his mask against his hip, trying to ignore the pounding excitement in his chest.

Alexia ran her tongue over her teeth as her eyes scanned him up and down, forcing him to suppress a shiver. "Cutter, hold a one, shootball a two, sinker 3, and change-up a four."

Miyuki blinked. Normally, he would be the one to choose the signs. For that matter, the pitches, too. A smirk grew as he remembered what Luke had said. "And a five for a forkball." Alexia pursed her lips and tension returned to her shoulders. "Luke said that it's a viable pitch. As energetic and reckless as you can be, you should have no problem throwing it in practice. Have some faith in yourself."

Alexia's eyes shot open wide, surprising Miyuki. Her jaw set and relaxed as the fingers on her right hand flexed. She seemed honestly surprised, though he had no idea from what.

Just as Miyuki was beginning to worry, she doubled over with laughter bubbling over, earning them some confused looks. "Hey don't go causing her to go crazier," Kuramochi scolded, halfway between concern and amusement. As he let the bat drop from pointing at them, he wondered what had caused Alexia to tense up suddenly. He wasn't sure that Tojo or Kariba had caught it, but he knew that something had set her on edge.

"What the hell's that mean?" Alexia shot back, once again full of energy.

"Kyahaha, what do you think," he replied with a smile.

Alexia narrowed her eyes, this time with the same unsettling hue her two closest friends had become accustomed to. "You are so dead."

She turned back to that catcher. "Alright but don't you fucking dare wimp out on me. I'm pitching thirty to him." Before Miyuki could object, she turned to the batter. "Out of thirty, if you get five solid hits off of me I'll buy you a drink."


Miyuki shook his head as he made his way back to the plate but his smile refused to dislodge itself from his face.

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