Ch. 9: Changes (Part 5)

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"Did you break into her room?" Kuramochi asked, standing in the doorway of Alexia's room. Miyuki was seated at the table in the middle of the room, glancing over his textbook.

He snorted. "Of course not. The door was unlocked so I decided to just sit here and wait." Kuramochi glanced over the room cautiously. Miyuki rolled his eyes. "Just come in. She's not going to care."

Kuramochi walked in, still looking a bit nervous as he took a seat across from Miyuki. He sat down and set his notebook on the table. "I wonder where she is?"

Miyuki shrugged. "Maybe she just takes longer to shower." Kuramochi hummed as he pulled out his phone and started scrolling through it. After a couple minutes, he set his phone down and stood up. "I'm going to buy a drink."

"I'll take a black coffee."

"I didn't ask you for your order, damn bastard!"

"Miya-chan will have a cold sweet tea."

This made Kuramochi pause. "How do you know what she likes to drink?" Confusion was evident on his face and Miyuki considered messing with his friend.

"Oh I know all about her," he smirked. "It's my job as a catcher to read people you know." His tone was arrogant and he saw irritation replace the confusion on Kuramochi's face.

"Can't you just give a straight answer for once?" he growled.


"God, why am I even your friend?" Kuramochi lamented, resting his head in his hands.

"I wonder that too," Miyuki mused tilting his head back while keeping one eye on the increasingly angry boy.

"Why you-."

"It's what she had before." That statement successfully shut Kuramochi up. "I helped her catch up on history when she first moved in. She had a cold sweet tea."

Kuramochi narrowed his eyes at the catcher. "Since when do you remember little details like that?"

It was now Miyuki's turn to be confused. "What do you mean? I told you, it's my job to be able to read batters and remember stats."

Kuramochi was silent for a minute and Miyuki shifted under his scrutinizing gaze. Miyuki hated it when Kuramochi assessed him like that, it always made him feel like he couldn't hide anything and that made him uncomfortable. Instead of ratting him out on some secret however, Kuramochi just shrugged and mumbled a whatever before heading out of the room, closing the door on his way.

Miyuki went back to looking over his textbook until the shortstop returned a few minutes later, practically throwing the drink at him. He sat down heavily across from Miyuki again and opened his own drink. Kuramochi opened his mouth, likely to ask where Alexia was, when the door opened again.

"Hey," Alexia greeted them with a smile as she entered the room. Her shower stuff was in one hand with a towel draped over her shoulders. A folder and a book were under her left arm as she shut the door with her right.

"Took you long enough," Miyuki scoffed lightly.

Alexia rolled her eyes at him. "Sorry, I stopped by the coach's office to see if I could borrow the video from Seido's last game. I wanted to go over the footage to see what kind of team you are," she said as she set the folder and notebook on the table next to Kuramochi. She shoved her shower stuff under her bead haphazardly and threw her clothes into a hamper at the foot of her bed. Next, she moved to hang her towel up how she had before and Miyuki leaned forward to give her room.

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