Ch. 8: Reality (Part 1)

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"You each played well today and I hope you take the lessons you've learned and use them to grow stronger. The first-string roster for the summer is not yet set. Any one of you could still be promoted. Keep that in mind as you continue your training," Coach Kataoka said as he looked over each of the second string players. His eyes watched a select few for their reactions. One was quiet yet excited. Another let his determination show plainly on his face and the third was an anomaly. Her face was serious yet downcast, despite her good showing in the game. While her eyes watched him, it seemed like her mind was elsewhere. "You are dismissed."

The players all stood up and left the room as a group, each of them having several thoughts racing through their minds as they resolved to become better before the summer. However, one person remained seated as all the others left. The coach watched her intently as her eyes watched the last person leave.

"Did you have something to say?" Kataoka asked as her gaze returned to him. She stood and made her way to him and Rei, who stood beside the coach.

"Do you have any concerns?" Rei asked. From the start, she had been worried about Alexia joining the team. The dorm situation aside, she had felt bad that the girl was thrown into the team so suddenly. Some of the members hadn't been too thrilled to have a girl suddenly join and immediately be promoted to the second-string. While Rei had noticed that Alexia seemed to get along well with the first-years and some of the first-string members, she was still worried that Alexia was being ostracized by others.

Alexia let out a breath. "I'm sorry for the issues I caused during the game." Her apology took both of the adults by surprise. "I didn't practice enough with Ono-san beforehand so that he could get used to my pitches. I've had the same catcher for five years and so I took it for granted that he'd be able to adapt well. I'm also sorry for going on my own and making my own decisions, like the pick-off at third base. I'll try my best to listen to your calls and the team's as well." Alexia held her gaze steady as she spoke.

It was silent for a minute as the two adults processed what she had said. Finally the coach broke the silence. "That was one of your faults today. You said yourself that a player must trust their teammates. Instead of looking at what calls you would make, look at what you're being told. While you certainly have a good head on your shoulders, you don't have to do all the thinking alone."

Alexia nodded and gave him a half-smile. "I will, Coach. I'll get much better. Now if you'll excuse me." She dipped her head slightly before hurrying out the door.

Rei pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose as she watched the young girl retreat out the door. "That was certainly unexpected. The fact that she realized her impulsive mistakes and took responsibility for them is exactly what her old coach told us."

Kataoka nodded. "Indeed. She's every bit as stubborn, motivated, and surprising as we were told. Which makes me wonder why she doesn't seem to be pitching as well as they made it out to be."

Rei hummed. "That is a good question. Perhaps she just hasn't adjusted to the team yet? Or maybe her old school talked her up as a favor to help her join the team? I wouldn't have accepted her application if she hadn't been described as such a good player."

Kataoka was silent again, his mind mulling over his thoughts regarding the girl. "Maybe." He turned to look at Rei. "Did the school ever give you the full details of her baseball career in America?"

Rei narrowed her eyes. "No. They've told me her stats, however, which also imply that she was a much better pitcher than we've seen. They still have not responded to my request for a detailed record of her games played. I do know that both of the years she played in America, her team made it to nationals, but that's all the information I have. I don't know her role for certain in those games."

Kataoka went silent again. She was an anomaly that he was both irritated to have to solve, and excited. While she had much that she lacked, he couldn't deny that she had a mountain of potential. His lips quirked up into a smile. They were a year a part, but this year Seido had gained two players with more potential than he would ever dare to hope for. He was excited to see how far the two pitchers would climb.


Alexia sighed as she closed the door to her room. Her first game, albeit not an official one, had gone worse than she had hoped for. She wasn't expecting to come in and blow everyone away, but she was disappointed in her showing today. Mentally cursing herself, she replayed her calls in the game. The pickoff at third could have ended horribly and she didn't need to be so persistent about throwing the cutter. The fact that Ono had barely caught it showed how reckless and selfish she had been today.

Alexia stripped off her team uniform and began searching for other clothes as she ran over the game time and again. There was so much she could have done better and so much she should have done before hand. Sighing, she realized that her American team had pampered her, always meeting her expectations and rising to her impossible challenges. They were special and she couldn't expect Seido, a team that she had just joined as an outsider, to match what they had done.

Alexia tugged on a pair of teal running shorts and a black tank top before her door slammed open.

"Alex-san! You promised to go over my training scroll with me!" Eijun loudly complained as he burst into her room. Her lips curled up into a smile. As loud and annoying as he could be, she had to admit that it would be best for her to get her mind off of the game for now. She could mull it over later with a clear mind.

"Yes, I did, but do you have to announce it to the whole building? Quiet down and come here," she said, smiling despite herself. Eijun bound into her room and plopped down at the spot she had motioned to. Alexia settled in next to him and raised an eyebrow at the dirt covered parchment. "Did you throw it into a dust storm or something?"

Eijun flinched back at her words and held his hands up defensively. "Now why would I do that?! This is a training menu given to me! I have more respect for my work than that!" Alexia rolled her eyes. "Do you really think so little of me?!"

"Yes," she said plainly as she opened the scroll. Eijun choked on his saliva and Alexia felt her smile grow wider and into as smirk. She scanned over the different exercises listed along with the reps and sets that he was instructed to do. Almost immediately it became clear to her what the intention of the exercises were. "These are to prevent injury."

"Huh?" Eijun asked, leaning over her shoulder to see. "What do you mean?"

Alexia sighed, remembering that he was an idiot. An incredibly, unfairly talented idiot, but an idiot nonetheless. "These exercises are supposed to build up your inner muscles to decrease the risk of injury. In baseball, pitchers are especially liable to be injured. Pitching a ball puts a lot of stress on your arm and body. That's why in America, high school pitchers have a lot of restrictions on them to help minimize the danger."

Eijun nodded along with her. She wasn't entirely convinced that he was fully comprehending what she was saying, but the look in his eyes told her that he got the gist of it: these exercises were trying to keep him from being injured. "To sum it up, whoever gave you this menu is trying to look out for your health. I don't see any issues with this and it's actually really well thought out. I'd follow whatever they're telling you to do."

"Hrm, I guess I'll follow Chris-senpai's directions then," Eijun mused as his eyes stayed locked on the scroll. "Thanks, Alex-san. I'll let you be now." With that, he scooped up the scroll and exited her room as swiftly and obnoxiously as he had entered.

Alexia chuckled and shook her head at his antics. He was interesting and energetic to say the least.

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