Ch. 6: Family Chaos (Part 1)

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Alexia opened the door to her home and moved inside. As she pulled off her boots, she glanced around. "I don't see my dad's shoes. He must be out."

Miyuki hummed in response as he pulled off his own. He wouldn't ever admit it, but he was disappointed. He had been looking forward to meeting Alexia's dad since it wasn't every day that he got to meet a pro catcher recruited from another country. The rest of the guys took their shoes off and Alexia gestured up the stairs in front of them.

"Turn left and the first door is the bathroom. Through here is the kitchen and living room," she explained as she led the guys through an archway. To the left was the kitchen with marble counters and an island with black iron barstools. Miyuki noticed there was no dining table, but if it was just Alexia and her dad, he supposed there was no need for one. To his right was a black leather couch and a few matching armchairs. A glass coffee table was in front of it and on the far wall was a fireplace and tv. The house was a decent size and while it wasn't very decorated, it still felt lived in. Miyuki let his gaze wander to the mantle over the fireplace where he saw several framed pictures. Alexia's voice drug him back from his analysis. "Make yourselves at home. I'll go and grab the first aid kit." With that, Alexia went back into the entrance hall and left the four guys standing.

Kuramochi was the first to speak. "This is a nice house. Not too big and fancy, but comfortable." He ran his hand along the couch before walking around it to sit down.

Haruichi nodded. "Yeah. When she said her dad was a pro, I was expecting something a bit more..." His voice trailed off, not wanting to sound like he had thought it would be gaudy.

"Bigger and fancier. This is nice and cozy," Ryosuke finished, sharing his brother's thoughts. Haruichi nodded at that and decided to sit in the armchair nearest to the archway. Ryosuke took the spot next to Kuramochi and Miyuki leaned against the far arm of the couch.

Miyuki didn't say anything as he ran his gaze over the pictures again. Now that he was a bit closer, it seemed like there were a couple of Alexia and another man who he presumed to be her father and one that looked like a team picture. Just as he was about to get up to grab the picture, Alexia came back.

"I washed my hands and cheek and here's the case," Alexia said as she held up the first aid kit. "I figured you would want to watch and make sure I did it correct." She smirked at Kuramochi who narrowed his eyes.

"I'll do it, since I don't trust you," he said, moving to grab the kit.

"Hey now!" Alexia said as she stepped back, keeping the kit from his reach. "I'm not a child, I can do it myself." Kuramochi ignored her and went to grab it again. Alexia held it above her head and the extra inch she had on him kept it out of his reach. He tsked his tongue and swiftly stepped onto the couch to reach up to the kit. "Hey!" Alexia yelped as Kuramochi fell on her, dragging them both to the floor. She lost her grip and dropped it behind her.

She tried to flip around and grab it but felt herself being pulled onto her back. "Not so fast!" Kuramochi said, letting out one of his signature laughs. He looped his arm around hers and held them back while the other wrapped around her waist.

Alexia was now laughing loudly as she kicked the air. "Let me go you, bastard! I'll get you for this!" she yelled.

"How? You can't get away," Kuramochi smirked. Alexia began pushing up with her right leg, trying to wrench her arms out of his grasp. Kuramochi grunted as he struggled to keep his grip. "Hey, Miyuki, grab her legs!"

At that Miyuki went in front of her and knelt down. He grabbed her left leg easily, but she swung her right upwards and away from him. Ryosuke, who was still sitting on the couch, leaned away from it. "Hey, watch it or else I'll make you pay," he said, his smirk now lighthearted. His amusement was written all over his face, much to Alexia's dismay.

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