Ch. 5: Kidnapped Day Off (Part 6)

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"Look, I'm glad that you didn't hurt your right arm and that you can laugh at this, but is your left arm hurt?" Kuramochi said, more than a little perplexed at his two laughing friends.

Alexia turned to him and gave a small smile. "No, it doesn't hurt at all. My cheek hurts like hell, but I don't think there's any serious damage. It should be fine in a few days." She offered a lopsided grin to the group as she added, "I told you before, I'm always getting injured when I try to make a good first impression."

Ryosuke snickered at this, content that Alexia wasn't seriously hurt. "I think you outdid yourself this time around, Naru-chan." Alexia pressed her lips together in a thin smile and nodded grudgingly. He was right.

Alexia eyed the bit of blood splattered on her left fist. "Let me wash my hands, and my cheek, then we can continue shopping," she said casually.

"Are you stupid?" Kuramochi asked loudly. "We need to properly take care of you're injury, just to be safe."

Alexia rolled her eyes at him. "It's not that bad. Just washing it will be enough."

"No, we need to disinfect it and make sure that it's thoroughly cleaned," Kuramochi insisted.

"Isn't this memorable," Miyuki asked smirking. It took the two of them a moment to understand what he meant, but then Alexia chuckled.

"Hard to believe we just met three days ago, huh?" Alexia said, smiling at Kuramochi who nodded.

"And if you remember what happened when we met, you know that I'm going to win this argument," he said as he crossed him arms. Alexia sighed in defeat and just shook her head, giving up.

"Oh? Now this sounds like it could be an interesting story," Ryosuke piped up. Alexia turned to him and quickly filled him in on how Kuramochi had acted over her paper cut. He then turned to Kuramochi and smirked. "Since when were you so caring, Youichi?" His lips were twitched up into a smirk and Haruichi seemed to look a second too long at his brother's reaction.

Kuramochi rolled his eyes and looked to the side. "I can be, when I want to," he offered, stuffing his hands in his pockets. None of the others said anything to this, Miyuki opting to smirk instead, but Alexia felt as if something was off in his tone, like it lacked the usual edge. Without missing a beat, however, Kuramochi turned to Alexia and said, "Let's go to the pharmacy a few blocks away and get some stuff for that bruise."

Alexia shook her head, but explained before Kuramochi could insist. "My house isn't very far, maybe a ten minute walk. Let's just go there since I'm sure my dad stocked up on medicine and stuff." Miyuki raised an eyebrow at her wording and she added, "I had to get my clumsiness from somewhere." That garnered a few chuckles from her friends and Kuramochi sighed.

"Fine, but we're going to take care of it properly. Don't try to weasel your way out of it," he stated, holding an accusing finger out towards her. Alexia rolled her eyes but didn't reply. She had a feeling that if she tried to run, she'd just be tackled to the ground.

Alexia turned and grabbed the bags that she had set down earlier. "Well, let's go. I hope you all got everything you needed from this store," she said. Instead of a reply, Ryosuke held his bag out to her and cocked an eyebrow. Alexia gave him a blank face as she took it, remembering why she was there to begin with. "I'm injured and you're still making me carry it?"

"Yep. This is your punishment for cussing me out," he said simply before stepping back. Alexia glanced from the corner of her eye to the other three. Kuramochi and Haruichi made no move to give her their bags and Miyuki made no move to take his. She sighed and started walking down the sidewalk silently. Miyuki fell in to her right and Ryosuke was a step behind with Kuramochi to his left. Haruichi followed his brother and for a while, no one spoke.

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