Ch. 9: Changes (Part 1)

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"Um, excuse me, Miya-san?"

Alexia turned her attention from where she was trying to stuff some vegetables down Kuramochi's throat to the girl who had called for her. "Yes?" The girl standing in front of her was fidgeting with her fingers, keeping her brown eyes locked on Alexia's desk. Her brown hair was loosely held back by a hairband and brushed her shoulders. Alexia looked her over briefly, recognizing her from being called on earlier in English class. "What is it, Mika-san?"

Mika blinked at her twice. "You know my name?" she asked hesitantly.

Alexia nodded, giving her a small smile and leaning back from over where Kuramochi sat. Her potential victim coughed a couple times and shot a glare at the bastard who had simply watched the whole ordeal. "You were called on earlier to answer a question. Did you need something?"

"Oh," recognition and surprise flashed across her face quickly. "Actually, I was wondering if you could go over some of my English notes with me." Mika was mumbling by the end but Alexia heard her.

"Sure. What do you want me to go over with you?"

Mika's head shot upwards, betraying her surprise at the fact that Alexia had accepted so quickly. "Well, to be honest, about half the lesson." She rubbed the back of her neck. "English isn't exactly my strong suit."

Alexia chuckled lightly and Miyuki was half surprised to find it lacking all traces of mocking. "Alright then, let's work while we eat, shall we?" Alexia said, picking up her bento box to move to sit with Mika.

"Oh! I don't mean to make you move! I'll move over here if-!"

"Nope because these two idiots are too distracting," Alexia said, shaking her head.

"What do you mean by that?! You're the one shoving food down my throat!" Kuramochi complained, causing Miyuki to snicker.

Alexia smirked. "Exactly, if I stay here, I'll be too distracted by having fun torturing you." Kuramochi 'humphed' and crossed his arms.

Miyuki waved at her. "Bye-bye, then. I'll enjoy getting rid of you." Alexia rolled her eyes but simply turned to Mika and raised an eyebrow and smiled.

The girl led Alexia over to her desk where the two of them proceeded to eat and study the entire lunch period. More than a few questioning looks were shot their way and Alexia couldn't blame them. While it wasn't weird to ask the girl from America for help with English homework, having a shy girl ask the resident delinquent was. Alexia was well aware that her classmates didn't have the best view of her and was honestly surprised herself that Mika had asked for her help. She wasn't going to turn her down, however.

By the time lunch ended, Mika had a fairly good grasp on what was taught during class and Alexia was comfortable with saying that she sort of liked the girl. Yes, she was a bit timid, but she wasn't annoyingly so. She was nice and had scored extra points by not asking Alexia simply to get close to Miyuki. Alexia could tell her request was genuine and the fact that Mika hadn't once glanced at Miyuki had solidified Alexia's assumption. It wouldn't be the first time a girl had used her to get close to a baseball boy and she wouldn't put it past some of Miyuki's fangirls either. Mika had been a pleasant surprise.

"Thanks again, Miya-san," Mika said, bowing to her.

"Anytime," she replied, standing up and making her way back to her desk just as the bell signaling the end of lunch sounded. As she sat down, she noticed Kuramochi giving her a sideways glance. "What is it?"

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